The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) is a national entity and an environmental fund located in Namibia. It was established with a mandate of being a sustainable source of funding for the development and implementation of environmentally sustainable development projects and programmes in partnership with both public and private sector organizations.
The EIF was officially launched in 2012 and is currently funded by a Government allocation with the mandates to tap on local conservation fees and environmental levies. These funds will be used to invest in the protection of the environment, its biological diversity and ecological life-support functions; and the promotion of sustainable natural resources use for economic development by supporting green and environmental enterprises.
The EIF is building a sustainable fund that supports a variety of new and existing initiatives in the country. In doing so, we create partnerships with NGOs, Government, community-based organisations and the business community to ensure that our projects are well–positioned in the socio-economic and environmental tapestry of development, and to guarantee the buy–in of our local and international stakeholders.