Italian Agency for Development Cooperation / Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione Allo Sviluppo  (HQ)

Programma di emergenza in favore delle popolazioni del Sudan colpite da disastri naturali e conflitti (Primissima Emergenza) / Emergency program in favor of the populations of Sudan affected by natural disasters and conflicts 0012213 (IV Call for Proposals - First Emergency)

Last update: Aug 8, 2023 Last update: Aug 8, 2023


Budget: EUR 300,000
Award ceiling:N/A
Award floor:N/A
Sector:Food Security, Health, Disaster Reduction
Languages:English, Italian
Eligible applicants:NGOs / Nonprofit Organisations
Eligible nationalities:SudanSudan
Date posted: Jul 14, 2023

Attachments 4


Programma di emergenza in favore delle popolazioni del Sudan colpite da disastri naturali e conflitti AID 12213 / Emergency program in favor of the populations of Sudan affected by natural disasters and conflicts 0012213 (IV Call for Proposals - First Emergency)

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