Horizon 2020 (2014 - 2020)

e-Infrastructure policy development and international cooperation

Last update: Sep 14, 2022 Last update: Sep 14, 2022


Location:EU 27EU 27
Contracting Authority Type:Development Institution
Budget: EUR 5,000,000
Award ceiling: N/A
Award floor: N/A
Sector:Regional Integration, Information & Communication Technology
Eligible applicants:Unrestricted / Unspecified
Date posted: Dec 12, 2013

Attachments 2


Call updates:

23 September 2014 18:11
  1. Subject to signature and conclusion of an Agreement associating Switzerland to parts of Horizon 2020, Switzerland will participate from 15 September 2014 with an associated country status in actions that include the topics of this call.

    For more information see: Information on Swiss participation in Horizon 2020.
  2. Guidance on the evaluation of innovation, social sciences and humanities and other aspects of H2020 proposals is now linked from the INFRASUPP-2-2015 Topic Conditions (section on Evaluation)

04 September 2014 09:49

The number of proposals submitted for this topic:

INFRASUPP-7-2014 - e-Infrastructure policy development and international cooperation: 14

30 August 2014 15:16

The FAQ on RI calls has been updated.

30 August 2014 14:55

An overview of the evaluation results (Flash Call Info) is now available as part of the call documents.

Also within the call documents, the FAQ on RI calls has been updated.

30 August 2014 14:40

An overview of the evaluation results (Flash Call Info) is now available as part of the call documents.

15 April 2014 15:48 The submission session is now available for: INFRASUPP-7-2014(CSA)

28 March 2014 11:33

Minor update pointing to budget breakdown across topic as well as to FAQ.

28 March 2014 11:32

Minor update pointing to budget breakdown across topics as well as to FAQ, and removing malformed footnote hyperlinks in topic descriptions. The submission system will be opened shortly.

21 March 2014 16:21

Minor update to post FAQ and to remove malformed footnote hyperlinks in topic descriptions.

03 February 2014 12:23

We now expect to open the proposal submission system for this Call in February 2014.

03 February 2014 12:14

As detailed in the Call for Proposals published in the Official Journal, information on when proposals can be submitted against topics marked ‘2015’, such as this topic, will be provided at a later stage (see OJ reference above)

TOPIC : e-Infrastructure policy development and international cooperation

Topic identifier: INFRASUPP-7-2014
Publication date: 11 December 2013

Types of action: CSA Coordination and support action
Opening date:
11 December 2013
Deadline: 02 September 2014 17:00:00

Time Zone : (Brussels time)
  Horizon 2020
Call identifier: H2020-INFRASUPP-2014-2015
Topic Description

Specific challenge: To optimise e-infrastructures investments in Europe it is essential to coordinate European, national and/or regional policies and programmes for e-infrastructures, in order to develop complementarities, and promote cooperation between e-infrastructures and activities implementing other EU policies (such as regional, cohesion, industrial, health, employment, or development policy). To promote sound policy development it is essential to ensure stakeholder consultation, monitor take-up and assess the impact of past actions. To promote innovation it is necessary to identify it and spin it out from projects. The cooperation of European e-infrastructures with their non-European counterparts also requires facilitation, to ensure their global interoperability and reach.

Scope: Proposals will support one or more of the following actions:

(1) Dissemination of information on the e-infrastructure programme and of project results, including coordination among projects;

(2) Stakeholder initiatives, including a user forum to provide orientations for e-infrastructure service interoperability and integration;

(3) Policy coordination at European or regional level with the relevant policy makers, including the collection of information needed for policy making as well as the wider use of e-infrastructures for public services and society;

(4) Support to monitoring results and assessing impact of the Horizon 2020 e-infrastructure activities, including through metrics and indicators;

(5) Monitor and analyse the take-up of digital science and e-infrastructures by researchers and possible other users, such as citizens and the education sector, per country, region and research domain or community;

(6) Support to technology transfer from the e-infrastructures projects to the market;

(7) Support to cooperation with developing countries and regions to promote connectivity, global e-infrastructure services, identification of use cases and promising applications of particular interest for developing regions.

Expected impact:  A consistent and dynamic European policy for research infrastructures is developed and is coordinated EU-wide. Support actions provide solid ground for future choices and help in decision making and deployment of e-infrastructures. Impact and results analysis is available in real time and can inform policy choices. Novel technology and services with market potential are identified and spun off to the market. Support measures for international cooperation address specific issues regarding reciprocal use, openness or co-financing of e-infrastructures, as well as ensure Europe's persistent presence and influence in the global e-infrastructure.

Type of action: Coordination and support actions

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