United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ)

People-to-People Partnership for Peace Fund Grants Activity

Last update: May 27, 2022 Last update: 27 May, 2022


Location:Palestine / West Bank & GazaPalestine / West Bank & Gaza
Contracting Authority Type:Development Institution
Budget:USD 10,000,000
Award ceiling:USD 5,000,000
Award floor:USD 250,000
Sector:Security, Conflict
Eligible applicants:NGOs / Nonprofit Organisations, Private Sector
Eligible nationalities:WorldwideWorldwide
Date posted:20 Jul, 2021

Attachments 11


United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a federal government agency with headquarters in the United States the major responsibility of which is to administer civilian foreign aid to assist people overseas who encounter issues when attempting to improve their lives, recover from disaster or attempt to live in a free country. The agency operates in a number of countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. On December 27, 2020, the enactment of the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act approved US$250 million of funding over a five-year period to finance (1) the People-to-People Partnership for Peace Fund, applied by USAID, to fund qualified organizations that offer their support to build the foundation for non-violent co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians; and (2) the Joint Investment for Peace Initiative, applied by the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), which will offer investments in and help to entities that implement projects contributing to the development of the Palestinian private sector economy in the West Bank and Gaza. USAID looks forward to issuing an Annual Program Statement (APS) under the terms of the People-to-People Partnership for Peace Fund and aims help those that have suffered from the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Activities will encourage greater support among the people which will endorse the diplomatic and political negotiations between the parties involved, as pursued by the United States and its international partners, with an emphasis on a maintainable agreement for lasting peace. The closing date for receipt of comments on the DRAFT APS is August 2, 2021. The closing date for the APS will be specified after the release of the final APS o/a September 1, 2021.
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