High-level launch event of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032)

By United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

High-level launch event of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032)

πŸ“… 13 December 2022  πŸ• 10.00 – 18.30
Paris, France

UNESCO, in cooperation with the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and the members of the Global Task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages, will organize and host a High-level launch event on 13 December 2022 from 10.00 to 18.30 (Central European Time) at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.

The High-level launch event will primarily target high-level representatives of UNESCO Member States, Indigenous leaders, the UN system, civil society national research organizations, and representatives from the public and private sectors.

The High-level launch will:

  • Mark the launch of the International Decade of Indigenous languages and raise awareness primarily among duty bearers on the critical situation of Indigenous languages around the world,
  • Foster international cooperation, sharing of experiences, and creation of multistakeholder partnerships for the preservation, revitalization, and promotion of Indigenous languages,
  • Reflect on immediate actions to be taken by all actors to implement the Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (UNESCO 41 C/INF.14).

The event will provide an open space for discussion, sharing of good practices, and presentation of concrete projects. It will also feature a cultural performance by Indigenous artists. A global social media campaign is being carried out in conjunction with the launch event, to increase awareness about the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.

Link for Registration