Influence and Impact: The Power of Social Media and Behavioral Science in Development

By World Bank

Influence and Impact: The Power of Social Media and Behavioral Science in Development

📅 1 April 2024
Washington, DC., USA & Online

What can behavioral science and social media do for development? Participants can join the event for a morning of engaging panel discussions and lightning talks to explore how these tools can be effectively harnessed, their pitfalls, and future opportunities to address global challenges and eliminate poverty on a livable planet.

In this high-level panel discussion, panelists will discuss the transformative potential and limitations of online social tools and behavioral science in saving lives. Representatives from government, academia, technology industry, and international organizations will come together to share their insights and experiences in using behavioral science and digital technologies to improve people’s well-being.

Through short lightning talks, speakers will narrate innovative, scalable, and impactful policy solutions that use behavioral science principles, social media, and cutting-edge digital technologies across various development domains to demonstrate how these tools can effectively tackle big policy challenges for impact.
