A Fare Price: An investigation into the health costs of motorcycle taxi crashes in Kenya | Webinar

By Transaid Worldwide Services Limited

A Fare Price: An investigation into the health costs of motorcycle taxi crashes in Kenya | Webinar

📅 28th March 2024 🕙 09:00 (UK)/ 12:00 (EAT)
(via Zoom)

Report international launch – “A Fare Price: An investigation into the health costs of motorcycle taxi crashes in Kenya”

In the context of the rapid growth in the number of motorcycle taxis in Kenya, there is limited research linking the health costs of motorcycle crashes to the need to strengthen enforcement.

Join Transaid Worldwide Services Limited for the international launch of a new report which investigates the impact that motorcycle crashes have on costs at a household level and the burden they place on health systems.

A recording of the webinar will be available after the event so if you would like to attend but cannot make the scheduled time, you can register and a link to the video will be sent to you. Alternatively, you can watch it after the event on Transaid’s YouTube channel by clicking here.
