ESTHER – Network for Therapeutic Solidarity in Hospitals – contributes to the roll out of French health development aid. It aims to strengthen capacities in the fight against HIV/AIDS and its associated infections in developing countries. ESTHER’s principles and programmes reflect the main thrust of French policy on the international fight against AIDS: field action, presence and support, concrete assistance from wealthy nations to resource-poorer ones for securing access to medicines, setting decentralised cooperation in motion through hospital and town-hospital networks, and support to non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
The ESTHER Initiative joint Expertise France, the French international technical expertise agency on january 2015. Expertise France is the product of the merger of 6 public agencies:ADECRI, Adetef, FEI, GIP Esther, GIP International and GIP SPSI.
The aim of the agency is to increase the mobilization capacities of the various areas of public technical expertise in the international arena, in order to better respond to the growing needs of developing or emergent countries in terms of assistance to public policies.