Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Algeria (Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche Scientifique)

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Algeria (Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche Scientifique)

Contacts 0
Tenders 6
Grants 0
Jobs 0
Contractors 0
Pricing strategy 0
Last update: Dec 5, 2024 Last update: Dec 5, 2024
Pricing strategy


Address:11 chemin Doudou Mokhtar Ben Aknoun Alger - Algerie (1,498.52 mi) Algiers, Algeria 16000
Contact person:
Awards in:Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, ...
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Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Honduras, Panama, Uruguay, Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine / West Bank & Gaza, Qatar, UAE, Yemen, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey
Sectors:Education, Research
Education, Research
Nr. of employees:51-200
Types:Government Body
Government Body

Attachments 0


As part of the general policy of the Government and its program of action approved in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research proposes the elements of national policy in the field of higher education and ensures its implementation in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

It reports the results of its activity to the Head of Government, the Council of Government and the Council of Ministers according to the forms, procedures and deadlines established.

Within the framework of the laws and regulations in force and within the limits of its attributions, the Minister of the higher education and the scientific research is in charge of studying and proposing the necessary measures of organization and development of the various levels of higher education, with a view to putting in place a comprehensive and integrated system

In this capacity, he is responsible for initiating, proposing and implementing legislative and regulatory measures aimed at:

Define and organize the cycles of higher education whatever the supervisory authority, ensure their application and update according to the general progress of letters, arts, sciences and techniques,
Determine the sectors of higher education, the contents of the programs, the methods of checking knowledge, the conditions of access, progression, the nature of the diplomas and the conditions of their delivery,
Establish the status of higher education institutions and the conditions for opening and operating them,
Determine the status of teachers, including the conditions of their training, recruitment, promotion in the career and the conditions of empowerment to teach,
Determine the status of sector-specific administrative and technical personnel, including the conditions of their training, recruitment and promotion in the career,
Set the system of studies, including the rights and obligations of students in higher education institutions,
Promote social, cultural and sports life in higher education institutions.
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research impels and supports the development of activities within his field of competence.
In this context, it ensures the implementation of planning tools for activities within its scope at all levels.

He proposes the plans for the development of higher education in the long, medium and short term.
He animates, realizes or makes carry out any prospective study relating to the evolution of the activities of the higher education.
He ensures the deployment of the network of public higher education institutions throughout the territory in accordance with the objectives pursued by the Government in terms of regional planning and equal access to higher education cycles.
He directs the activity of the institutions towards the satisfaction of the priority needs of the economic and the social development.
He develops, proposes and implements any measure to achieve the general equilibrium between the different branches of higher education
He proposes and implements a university orientation system that assists students in the choice of their studies according to their aptitude, their results and on the basis of a complete information on the needs of the different fields of political activities economic, social and cultural aspects and their foreseeable evolution.
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research prepares and oversees the implementation of equipment and teaching materials and scientific research plans, higher education institutions.
He ensures the application of legal and regulatory provisions relating to safety standards, work and study within the institutions.
He develops and ensures the application of measures to ensure proper maintenance of infrastructure, equipment and equipment.
He ensures the standardization of facilities and equipment of institutions of higher education in relation to the national standards system.
In the field of economic integration, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research assists
in the promotion of the national production of equipment, materials or products of everyday use in higher education institutions.
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research coordinates the basic and applied research programs of higher education institutions
He  ensures the use efficient of structures, equipment and other means of research.
He promotes the relations organized between higher education institutions and economic entities to ensure the dissemination of information, knowledge, processes, methods and other scientific and technical services.
He ensures the use efficient of structures, equipment and other means of research.
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research is responsible for compiling documentation of all kinds and making it available to students and researchers.
He develops and ensures the implementation of the policy and development plans of the university library network.
He promotes the book, textbooks and academic documentation for the benefit of students.
He promotes the development of effective teaching methods and supports actions to promote the development of audiovisual methods and media and the use of computer methods and means.
The Minister of higher education and scientific research ensures the development of human resources of educational institutions.
He  develops and implements training plans for teachers and researchers. he shall take all measures for their implementation, including when circumstances and conditions so require through the use of training or advanced training abroad.
He coordinate on scientific and educational plans of action of the State in the matter.
He develops and oversees the implementation of training and development plans for administrative and technical personnel in the sector.
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research ensures the establishment of the information system relating to the activities within his competence, he elaborates the objectives, the strategies, the organization and defines the human, material resources and financial in coherence with the national information system at all levels.
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research at the initiative of the establishment of the control system for activities in his area of competence; it develops the objectives, the strategies, the organization and defines the means, in coherence with the national system of control at all the levels.

Minister of higher education and scientific research:
Studies, develops and proposes the conditions for awarding scholarships and access to higher education institutions for foreign students or trainees,
Participates and provides support to the competent authorities, international, bilateral and multilateral activities within its jurisdiction.
Monitors the application of international conventions and agreements and implements, with regard to the ministerial department, the measures relating to the implementation of the commitments to which Algeria is a party,
Assures, in consultation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the representation of the sector in the activities of regional and international bodies with competence in the field of higher education.
Represents the international institutions dealing with matters covered by its remit.
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research ensures the proper functioning of the central structures as well as the public institutions under his supervision.
In order to ensure the implementation of the missions and the achievement of the objectives assigned to it, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research proposes the organization of the central administration under his authority and oversees its operation in the field. framework of the laws and regulations in force.
He proposes any institution of consultation and / or interministerial co-ordination and any other organ of a nature to allow a taking charge of the missions entrusted to it.
He assesses the needs of the material, financial and human resources of the Ministry and takes the appropriate measures to meet them under the laws and regulations in force.

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