National Committee for Sub-National Democratic and Development Secretariat (NCDD) is a government body established in 2008 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia which is responsible for promoting democratic development through decentralization reforms throughout the country.
The members of the NCDD include the country’s ministers and several state secretaries and its responsibilities include developing and implementing a national democratic development agenda at the subnational level, developing annual work plans and budgets, consulting and coordinating with all government agencies, transferring resources, ensuring capacity building and empowering, defining policies and strategies for monitoring staff deployment, examining the boundaries of subnational administrations, formulating agreements between the Royal Government and development partners on decentralization reforms, monitoring the growth of municipalities and urbanization as the basis of developing the necessary measures and many other activities. Some of its development partners are ADB, AusAID, CIDA, DFID, EC, GIZ, GRET, SIDA, IFAD, USAID, etc. The NCDD’s main goals are to create a culture of local participatory democracy, improve public services and infrastructure, contribute to socio-economic development as well as reduce poverty among the vulnerable communities in Cambodia.
NCDD is specialized in Public Administration, Policy Framework, Decentralization, Democracy, Socio-Economic Development, Institutional Capacity Building, Poverty Reduction, HR Management, Financial & Property Systems, Programme Management, etc.
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