About 5.5% of the total area of Nepal is covered by forest. The forest, which is the backbone of tourism, environment, biodiversity and geographical development structure, including agriculture, has been supplying timber, fuel - 1 percent, livestock - 5 percent, wood and non-timber forest products for most of the daily needs of the people. Likewise, conservation of agricultural land and increase in productivity through protection of forest and aquaculture, protection of water resources, wildlife and biodiversity, protection of human health and climate protection such as climate purification and maintenance of environmental hygiene have been of great benefit. Forest sector is also a contributing area to the national economy. With the production of timber and herbs produced from the region, revenue has been collected by more than two billion annually, but in reality its contribution is yet to be properly evaluated. In addition, the forest sector has contributed to the decentralization and good governance up to the village level while incorporating the poor, women, Dalits and the neglected sections through community-based forest management into the national mainstream. The forest sector also has enormous potential for economic prosperity by mobilizing Nepal's precious herbs, including organic resources, to the world market.
Nepal is at high risk due to environmental sensitivity, natural calamity and the impact of climate change. Due to the sensitive geologic and geographical conditions and poor geological forests, the effects of human and natural disasters have led to huge loss of wealth and environmental problems.
According to the concept of green development, it has the responsibility of minimizing the impact of climate change on sustainable development of the country by creating an obligation to adapt humanitarian activities and development processes to the environment.
Nepal is a party to the UN Convention, which was open for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1979 to address global and global climate change issues. Nepal has begun its implementation with the approval of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Ministry adopted a green economy-oriented strategy, adopting a low-caste and climate-friendly approach to socio-economic development, efficiently managing resource and socially inclusive approaches to implementation of the agreement. The goal of Echo is.