1.1 To draft policies and strategies on the overall economic development of the Republic of Kosovo;
1.2 To support the development of market economy, market liberalization in public services and the introduction of private capital in public endeavors;
1.3 To support the Government in exercising its shareholder duties in Publicly Owned Enterprises on behalf of Republic of Kosovo;
1.4 To chair the Ministerial Committee on Publicly Owned Enterprises and prepare Governmental debates on issues pertaining to Publicly Owned Enterprises;
1.5 To prepare the annual report on POE performance, which will be further presented to the Assembly of Republic of Kosovo by the Government;
1.6 To issue a group of models and regulations and a model code of ethics and corporate governance, to be used by POEs;
1.7 To prepare draft procedures for the oversight of central POEs and monitor the work of central POE Boards of Directors;
1.8 To prepare and monitor the implementation of legislation in the sectors of energy and mining, postal services, telecommunications, information technology and oversight of publicly owned enterprises;
1.9 To prepare and implement strategic documents for the energy and mining sectors, as well as on the energy balance, in accordance with the applicable legislation;
1.10 To prepare policies on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, as well as relevant action plans for these fields, in compliance with respective EU Directives;
1.11 To monitor energy systems;
1.12 To cooperate in the preparation and implementation of international agreements in the sectors of energy, mining, postal services, telecommunications and information technology;
1.13 To cooperate with the Ministry of Finance in developing a favorable environment for the development of investments in the sectors under its responsibility, through the provision of adequate fiscal and taxation policies, etc.;
1.14 To promote activities in relation to the diminishment of environmental pollution as a result of energy and mining related activities;
1.15 To systematically collect, archive, process and make available geo-scientific data related to Kosovo’s geological resources, in cooperation with other public authorities and relevant institutions, and to provide the reports and expert evaluations on geo-scientific matters to the Government, as requested;
1.16 To cooperate with other authorities in matters pertaining to mining and minerals, in exercising its functions and responsibilities stipulated in the applicable legislation;
1.17 To ensure compliance with European standards on telecommunication tariffs and taxes;
1.18 To ensure quality of service and technical standards in the field of telecommunication;
1.19 To create policies for the promotion of competition in the field of telecommunication;
1.20 To review consumer needs and demands in the field of telecommunication;
1.21 To support information technology, innovations, and electronic trade;
1.22 To support access to technology for all Kosovo citizens;
1.23 To stimulate the development of information technology training systems;
1.24 To assess compliance of tariffs, quality of service, and technical standards in the postal services sector with European standards;
1.25 To conduct other tasks determined by the applicable legislation on the overall economic development in the sectors of energy and mining, telecommunications, postal services, information technology and oversight of publicly owned enterprises;
1.26 To cooperate with the business community and business associations with the aim of establishing an attractive business environment;
1.27 To perform other tasks in the sector of economy, energy and mining, information technology, postal services, telecommunications and oversight of publicly owned enterprises;
1.28 To perform other tasks allocated to the former-Ministry of Energy and Mining;
1.29 To perform other tasks granted to the Ministry by the applicable legislation.