To build a coherent and comprehensive system of quality education and training reflecting universal and national values that will promote the integrated development of the person and empower him/her to participate fully in social and economic development.
"Policy Statement Education for a Learning Society (2000)"
To empower future citizens to contribute positively to the process of building a sustainable, peaceful and harmonious Seychelles society, while safeguarding and promoting our unique traditions and cultural values.
The mandate of the Ministry of Education is derived from Article 33 of the Constitution (1993) on the Right to Education: "The State recognizes the right of every citizen to education and with a view to ensuring the effective realization of this right undertakes-
- To provide compulsory education, which shall be free in state schools for such minimum period, which shall not be less than ten years, as may be prescribed by law;
- To ensure that educational programmes in all schools are aimed at the complete development of the person;
- To afford, on the basis of intellectual capability, every citizen equal access to educational opportunities and facilities beyond the period of compulsory education;
- To allow, subject to such reasonable restrictions, supervision and conditions as are necessary in a democratic society, any person, organization or institution to establish a private school;
- To respect the right of parents to choose whether to send their children to a State or private school."
The Portfolio Responsibility of the Ministry
The overall mandate of the Ministry of Education in accordance with Articles 33 and 34 of the Constitution, and in line with the provisions of Education Act (2004), and Tertiary Education Act (2011) and related policies is:
- To establish and maintain a comprehensive system of quality education for all, reflecting universal and national values which promote the complete development of the person, and equip the person to participate fully in social and economic development;
- To establish institutions for achieving quality comprehensive education for all, and to implement the national education policy.