Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education (Uzbekistan)

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education (Uzbekistan)

Contacts 11
Tenders 36
Grants 0
Jobs 0
Contractors 0
Pricing strategy 0
Last update: 6 days ago Last update: Oct 10, 2024
Pricing strategy


Address:Apt 96, 2-Chimbay st. Tashkent 100095
Contact person:Secretariat
Awards in:Tunisia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Palesti ... See more Tunisia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine / West Bank & Gaza, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Kosovo
Sectors:Education Education
Nr. of employees:201-500
Types:Government Body Government Body
Status: Active


No documents to display



implementation of a unified state policy in the field of higher and secondary specialized vocational education aimed at training highly qualified personnel with high spiritual and moral qualities, capable of independent thinking, holding progressive methods and forms of organization of work in the current market conditions;
development and improvement of the system of higher and secondary specialized vocational education in the country with the best international practices;
ensuring compliance with the goals and objectives outlined the National Programme for Training in the field of higher and specialized secondary and vocational education;
implementation of educational and pedagogical and scientific-methodical management, coordination of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the country, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership, ensuring that their requirements of state educational standards and other requirements to the level and content of education, the quality of professional training;
study and ensuring that the demand for educational services by enterprises and organizations as well as citizens from existing and prospective directions of training in accordance with the priorities of socio-economic development of the country;
implementation and effective use in the educational process of progressive forms of education, including distance learning, new teaching and information and communication technologies;
organization development, translation and publication of textbooks and instructional literature in accordance with the concept of creating a new generation of textbooks for a system of continuing education;
organization and improvement of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of teachers and specialists;
organization of research work in higher education, improving its efficiency and widespread adoption of research results in practice, ensuring close cooperation between higher education, science and industry;
monitoring the formation of income of higher education institutions from all sources, especially from the fee-contract form of education, and for their effective use.

ensure implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On education" and the National Programme for Training in higher educational institutions and other subordinate organizations of the Ministry;
develops and approves the state educational standards on education of undergraduate and master specialties, typical curricula and programs of disciplines in higher education, as well as regulations governing the specific activities of higher education institutions;
defines, together with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Uzbekistan presents promising areas of education undergraduate and Master's degree specialties in accordance with the priorities of socio-economic development of the country;
in consultation with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan is making changes and additions to the Classification of areas and specialties of higher education;
ensures the implementation of the learning process, modern pedagogic and information and communication technology, educational and methodological literature of the new generation of digital libraries;
monitors the implementation of the National Program for Personnel Training in Higher Education;
organizes in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation, based on the ideas of national independence, national and rich cultural and historical traditions of the people and human values;
develops and approves the model charter of higher educational institutions, as well as approve the statutes of higher education institutions and other subordinate organizations of the Ministry;
in conjunction with the State Testing Center develops and implements measures to improve the quality of higher education, contributes to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan for improving the selection and admissions to higher educational institutions of the republic;
provides implementation of state educational standards of higher and secondary specialized vocational education and state requirements for postgraduate education, as well as retraining and further training of teachers and specialists;
develops and implements effective forms of training and retraining of teachers, including distance learning;
develops and approves the qualification requirements for guiding, teaching, engineering and teaching staff of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions;
develops and approves the procedure for the selection and nomination of candidates for the post of rector, vice-rector and dean of the faculty of higher educational institutions;
develop, approve and implement a learning process regulations aimed at improving the quality of education, training, competitive training, promotion of effective activity of teaching staff;
develop and submit for approval to the established order of the competitive position of the system of recruitment of teaching staff in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions and supervise their implementation;
organizes marketing research in the field of higher education, developing indicators reception on existing and prospective directions of training in higher educational institutions of the country and makes them available for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers;
developing a proposal to establish public financing standards of higher education institutions of the Ministry, as well as material and technical equipment of the educational process;
oversees the economic, industrial and financial activities of higher education institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry;
claims expenses estimates subordinated higher educational institutions and organizations, and carries out their funding in the prescribed manner;
claims in the prescribed manner the number of managerial staff of subordinate institutions and organizations of the Ministry;
approve estimates of revenues and expenditures for fee-contract form of training and exercises control over the receipt and expenditure of budgetary funds;
opens with a commercial bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan current, settlement and other accounts for the distribution and redistribution of funds allocated to the Ministry in a centralized manner;
ensure effective use of scientific and technical potential of higher education in basic and applied research on the republican scientific and technical programs;
creates and implements scientific and technical programs of basic, applied and innovative research in subordinated higher educational and research institutions;
determines the state of Fellows of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan among students;
organize in the prescribed manner the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff through postgraduate and doctoral studies;
carry out international cooperation in higher education, establishes direct contacts with foreign partners on the basis of international treaties and agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
coordinates the preparation of specialists for foreign countries in the higher educational institutions of the country, regardless of departmental subordination and forms of ownership;
developing, in conjunction with the Uzbek Agency for Press and Information annual and long-term plans the publication and reproduction of textbooks and manuals in the state and other languages;
hears and determines to represent the employees of the Ministry for awarding state awards of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
in fixed order Universiade and other sporting events for students, sends them to the winners of international contests and competitions;
in fixed order republican and international meetings, conferences, symposia on topical issues of development of higher education, science and technology;
appoints the heads of subordinate departments, centers, enterprises, organizations and institutions in the system of the Ministry.


Country eligibility

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Circumstantial eligible countries

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Tender Management Modes

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Grant Management Modes

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