Bond'innov is a non-profit association created in 2011 by public structures from the economy and research of Eastern Paris. Its vocation is to support innovation with a strong economic and social impact in emerging territories, to accompany transformations for sustainable development and to encourage Europe-Africa cooperation with the key values of sustainability (sustainable economy, sustainable jobs), excellence (partnerships with science), solidarity (inclusion of all).
Located on the Innovation Campus of the Institute of Research for Development (Europe Office and Headquarters) and in the D-Hub of the Delegation for Rapid Entrepreneurship in Dakar (Africa Office), Bond'innov provides a framework and an environment that facilitates the success of early stage innovation projects and promotes links between startups, incubators and innovation ecosystems in Africa and Europe, including the diasporas.
Bond'innov's activity is organized around 4 poles:
The Incubation pole (Europe): the incubator, called Incub'innov, reveals and accompanies innovation projects led in Europe, Africa, or by the diasporas. At the heart of a community of innovators, experts and mentors, Incub'innov has developed specific incubation tools and pathways for entrepreneurs from ideation to acceleration.
The Expertise pole PEPS (Africa): the Projects, Expertise and Strategic Partnerships cluster supports public and private partners in the engineering and implementation of innovation programs in Europe and/or Africa.
The Financing pole (Africa-Europe): develops and manages non-profit seed financing tools to stimulate innovation in France and Africa. It also contributes to the creation of local funds backed by incubators. It participates in capacity building in the field of finance with actors and beneficiaries.
The Ecosystems and Incubators Network pole (Africa-Europe): It participates in capacity building for Innovative Entrepreneurship Support Structures (IESS) in Africa and in the development of links between incubators in Africa and Europe.
This cluster is composed of multi-stakeholder and multi-country programs, such as PAI (Programme Afrique Innovation), AFIDBA (AFD for Inclusive & Digital Business in Africa) and Enrich in Africa (a consortium of 12 European and African structures). Its ambition is to link and promote innovations between Europe and Africa.