The Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission is a peripheral service of the direct administration of the State, under the direction of the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, which is exercised in coordination with the Minister of Modernization of the State and Public Administration, with regard to the relationship with local authorities, and with the Minister of the Environment and Climate Action, with regard to matters of environment and spatial planning. It is endowed with administrative and financial autonomy.
Its mission is to ensure the coordination and articulation of the various sectoral policies at regional level, as well as to implement the policies of the environment, spatial planning and cities, and to provide technical support to local authorities and their associations, at the level of their respective geographical area. performance. endowed with financial and administrative autonomy. Its mission is also to implement the State's policy of incentives to the media in accordance with the law.
Contribute to the definition of the regional development policy within the framework of the economic and social development policy of the country, promoting and participating in the strategic planning processes of territorial base, as well as fostering partnerships between regional agents, developing studies of articulation of sectoral policies in the space and develop integrated programs aimed at territorial cohesion and competitiveness;
Ensure coordination between institutions of the State's direct administration, local authorities and similar entities, and boost cross-border interregional cooperation, contributing to the European integration of the regional space and the strengthening of its competitiveness, based on sustainable development strategies of regional and local levels;
Promote and guarantee an adequate intersectoral articulation between the decentralized services at regional level, in terms of strategic coordination and planning of interventions of an environmental, economic and social nature from the perspective of Regional development;
Technically support local authorities and their associations;
Execute, evaluate and supervise, at the regional level, environmental and spatial planning policies;
Ensure the elaboration, monitoring and evaluation of territorial management instruments, ensuring their articulation with national and regional territorial management instruments;
Ensure compliance with the management responsibilities entrusted to them within the framework of the European Union's cohesion policy in Portugal;
To stimulate and promote, in the respective region, the necessary public policies with the objective of contributing to its economic and social competitiveness and to sustainability;
Execute the measures regarding the application of the State's incentive regimes to the media, as well as ensure the monitoring of their compliance, under the terms of the law.