We are an independent institution with two mandates: the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) and the National Equality Body. What does it mean?
NHRI Mandate (currently Status B) : National Human Rights Institutions are independent institutions set up underagreement between the UNand the governments of sovereign states, whose role is to monitor and examine respect for human rights, to point out human rights violations and to raise awareness of the role of human rights in a democratic society. The scope of this mandate is adjustedby law.
One of our main tasks is to ensure that our international human rights obligations are appropriately reflected in the Slovak legal order. In this context, we publish a Human Rights Report every year, including the principle of equal treatment, which you can see here.
Mandate of the National Anti-Discrimination Body (Equality body) : National anti-discrimination bodies are independent organizations whose main task is to protect the rights of victims of discrimination. We obtained this mandate in 2004 on the basis ofEqual Treatment Act. Since then, we monitor compliance with anti-discrimination legislation, provide legal assistance to victims of discrimination, represent them in anti-discrimination disputes, issue expert opinions on what discrimination is and what it does not, and educate and raise public awareness about the negative consequences of unequal treatment.