THE MINISTER OF DOMAIN, CADASTRE AND LAND AFFAIRS is responsible for the development and implementation of government policy in the area of land, cadastral and land.
As such, it is responsible for:
- the development of legislative and regulatory texts relating to
to the state, cadastral and land sectors;
- the management of the public and private domains of the State;
- the management of the national domain and the allocation proposals;
- the protection of the public and private domains of the State against any attack, in liaison with the Administrations concerned;
- the acquisition and expropriation of real estate for the benefit of the State, public administrative establishments and companies with public capital, in liaison with the Minister of Finance and the Administrations and bodies concerned;
- the management and maintenance of the real estate and movable assets of the State;
- management and monitoring of administrative rentals;
- the development and maintenance of cadastral plans;
- the realization of all studies necessary for the delimitation of the perimeters of cadastral integration;
- the constitution and control of land reserves in relation with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the Administrations concerned.
It oversees the Mission for the Development and Equipment of Urban and Rural Land (MAETUR).