The main line of action of social protection of the Dominican Government, which arises through Decree No. 377-21, which also indicates it as the strategy for the comprehensive fight against poverty. Supérate is focused on social intervention through the integration of conditional cash transfers, socio-educational support and links with State programs and services, articulated in actions that are based on eight components: "Educational Inclusion", "Health, Food Security and Support in Emergencies”, “Economic Inclusion”, “Housing”, “Identify yourself”, “Care”, “Get Over Women” and “Socio-Family Accompaniment”.
Supérate also involves families in vulnerable situations in the comprehensive development process through joint responsibilities linked to subsidies, which contributes to food and nutritional security, promoting their income generation, with investment in education and health of its members.
Mission: Create favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of families living in situations of vulnerability and poverty. Vision: To be a regional benchmark in the implementation of inclusive social protection policies.