The Ministry of Digital Economy and Communication is responsible for the design, implementation, monitoring and development of general state policy in the digital economy, communication and postal services, in accordance with international conventions, laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Benin.
To this end, it is responsible for:
- Develop and ensure the implementation and monitoring-evaluation of the national policy for the development of the digital economy and communication;
- Create favorable conditions for the production of quality press articles and audiovisual works, from the point of view of their ethical and educational content; facilitate, through the media, dialogue between all linguistic communities and socio-professional categories in Benin;
- Coordinate, from a technical point of view, the use of telecommunications and information and communication technologies by State services;
- Design a framework for consultation and partnership with the private sector and partner institutions including contract contracts to ensure the effective implementation of the recommendations
- Develop and propose legislative and regulatory texts relating to the promotion and development of IT, telecommunications and electronics;
- Define and implement the strategy of access to the universal service of telecommunications, information technologies and post;
- Seek funding, public or private, in order to develop and implement an investment plan for the development of knowledge in the field of new technologies, for the establishment of incubators for businesses and "ICT" training , in collaboration with the ministries concerned;
- Develop and steer the implementation strategy of e-administration through the dematerialization of tasks and payment methods for a public reporting service, in collaboration with the ministry in charge of administrative reform;
- Support the development of computerized and digital management of archives, in collaboration with the Directorate of National Archives;
- Develop the interconnection strategy for local administrations;
- Support all sectors and ministries, to facilitate access to information through the development of new technologies and professional practices at a distance, particularly for scientific, agricultural research, education and culture;
- Promote, in collaboration with the ministries concerned and the private sector, the development of entrepreneurship in the field of ICT and audiovisual and cinematographic production; contribute to the promotion of press freedom, public and private, and the right to information;