Punjab Rural Municipal Services Company (PRMSC) has been established under the Punjab Rural Sustainable Water and Sanitation Project approved by Punjab Development Working Party (PDWP) dated 03-09-2021. The project cost is $553 million and is being executed by Local Government and Community Development Department.
Government of the Punjab and World Bank are the sponsors and the project is spread over the period of 5 years. PRMSC has been established with the aim of providing improved water and sanitation facilities in 2,000 villages of Punjab. Under this project, $477.4 million is being spent on sanitation and water supply infrastructure development, $16.1 million on behavioral change and capacity development, $43.2 million on service delivery improvement, and $16.9 million on project management and monitoring.
PRMSC is registered under Section 42 of Companies Act, 2017 and works in the coordination with Local Government and Community Development, Housing, Urban Development & Public Health Engineering, Irrigation, Health, and Livestock Departments.