The National Committee for Refugees ( CONARE ) is a collegiate body, linked to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, which deliberates on requests for recognition of refugee status in Brazil In Law No. 9,474, of July 22, 1997, which created it, it is defined as follows, in Article 11: "collective deliberation body, within the scope of the Ministry of Justice". [
Refuge is a legal protection offered by Brazil to citizens of other countries who are suffering persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, social group or political opinions, or who are subject, in their country, to serious and widespread violation of human rights.
Published in July 2019, the fourth edition of the publication Refúgio em Números indicated that 161,057 requests were being processed on January 2, 2019 in Brazil. Furthermore, it revealed the total cumulative number of refugees recognized in Brazil: 11,231. In 2017 there were 10,145. In 2018 alone, 1,086 people were recognized as refugees by CONARE compared to 587 the previous year. In total, Brazil received more than 80,000 asylum requests last year, an increase of 240% compared to 2017, with 61,681 coming from Venezuelans.