Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), an apex development organisation, was established by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) in May 1990, for sustainable poverty reduction through employment generation.
In the beginning of its operations in 1990, PKSF set the goal of creating self-employment opportunities in the rural off-farm sector and adopted the strategy of promoting a credit programme for attaining this goal. This credit programme, launched for the rural moderate poor, has been diversified over time in accordance with the changing needs of heterogeneous poverty-stricken segments of society and has gradually evolved into an “inclusive financing programme”. PKSF’s present financing programme includes the moderate poor of both urban and rural areas, ultra-poor, micro entrepreneurs, marginal and small farmers; members of these poverty groups are offered customized services. Enabling the poor to come out from the low productivity trap, PKSF has integrated capacity building, technology transfer, value chain development and other technical services in its development programme.