Catalina Stan Expert, Manager/ Business Consultant
Last update: 6 days ago
English, French, Romanian
Highest Degree:
26 years
Armenia, Cyprus, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Serbia
Associated Awards
§ A 5-year degree in Economics and International Relations and close to 25 years of professional experience in development and humanitarian aid. Proven track record of success in managing and implementing grant schemes and capacity-building initiatives
§ Experience in the following domains: poverty reduction and social inclusion, economic and socio-development, labour market and employment, human rights, refugees and asylum-seekers, capacity building, public administration, participative decision making and good governance.
§ Experienced in capacity building activities: development & delivery of trainings, coaching and on-the-job assistance,
§ Experience in grant scheme design and grant scheme management under EU procedures; Extensive practical experience in assisting both managing authorities/implementing authorities in management of EU funds and grant beneficiaries;
§ Sound experience in drafting, improving, advising on and implementation of procedures for management and internal control in line with donor’s rules (EU) - developing operational procedures and designing programme manuals, guidelines and tools for effective implementation of EU funded programme; preparing Call for Proposals based on existing project fiches and relevant EU regulations; practical experience in assisting managing authorities/implementing authorities in management of EU programmes, as well as grant beneficiaries;
§ Deep understanding of PCM and log-frame methodology, good analytical skills; experience in drawing up reports.
§ Experienced evaluator/assessor of grant applications/ project proposals requesting EU financing - over 550 project proposals evaluated - under various EU funded programmes, both pre (based on PraG rules) and post accession funds;
§ Knowledge and skills in budgeting, verification of expenditures; Knowledge of accounting principles, and practices, bookkeeping, invoicing, payments, and cash-flow management; experience of working with budgets and budget monitoring, financial administration, and control;