Erling Petersen
Erling Petersen Experienced planning, Management and education management Advisor
Last update: Oct 31, 2024
Erling Petersen Experienced planning, Management and education management Advisor
Last update: Oct 31, 2024
Danish, English, Swahili
Highest Degree:
44 years
Bangladesh, Botswana, Cote d'Ivoire, Denmark, Egypt, Eritrea, Eswatini (Swaziland), Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Vietnam
Education, Labour Market & Employment, Training, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, SME & Private Sector, Human Resources, Programme & Resource Management
Hinnerup, Central Region, Denmark
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Experienced Team Leader with excellent communication, interpersonal and cross-cultural skills. Good Analytical skills. Organised and adaptable. Excellent strategic planning skills; IT literate; effective leader and good team player.  Extensive experience in development planning and management and in human resource development and education:  

  • More than 40 years of work experience as a planning and management specialist; HRD/M consultant and education management consultant with assignments covering all stages of the management and project cycles;
  • 25+ years experience as Team Leader in development projects and consulting assignments
  • Extensive experience in development planning and implementation at Community, Provincial, National  and Regional levels, including Sector Wide Approach (SWAP) planning and implementation.
  • Development and implementation of management systems, quality management, school management and performance management systems.
  • Extensive experience in design, implementation and evaluation of training programmes.
  • Very experienced trainer and lecturer within the fields of management, project planning and management, team building, interpersonal skills, communication, project cycle management (PCM) and logical framework analysis (LFA).
  • Extensive experience in participatory planning, appraisal and evaluation.
  • Extensive experience in Institutional and Organisational Development.
  • Particularly experienced in the role as direct adviser to key executive managers on organisational change, and human resource development programmes in the public and private sector.
  • Long experience as Project Manager, Team Leader, Planning and Management Consultant and Trainer for major donors like EU, GIZ, SIDA, Irish Aid, DFID, IFC/World Bank and Danida and SDC

Country experience: Denmark; Tanzania; Vietnam; Egypt; Kenya; Eritrea; Ivory Coast; Zambia; Mozambique; Swaziland; Lesotho; Botswana; South Africa; The Gambia, Namibia, South Sudan; Nigeria and Bangladesh