Dr. Sabah Dakroub
Dr. Sabah Dakroub Education Expert / Monitoring and Evaluation
Last update: 3 days ago
Dr. Sabah Dakroub Education Expert / Monitoring and Evaluation
Last update: 3 days ago
Arabic, English, French
Highest Degree:
20 years
Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria
Civil Society & NGOs, Education, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Monitoring & Evaluation, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Research, Advocacy
Zoukak el Blat - Beirut - Lebanon
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My expertise is in the field of management of education systems, system strengthening, sector planning, and education policy and practice in complex, rapidly changingi nternational and intercultural contexts. I have over 20 years of professional experience in the field of education formal and non-formal, higher education, education in emergencies and protracted crisis, and refugees’ education. I have wide experience in leading complex education projects on school reform and improvement, foundational learning and school readiness, primary and secondary education, vocational education, literacy and numeracy, youth transition to labor market. My work focuses on gender, inclusive education policies, disabilities, and teacher professional development.

I have a track record in the implementation of development cooperation projects with severaldonors ,such as EU, SIDA, NORDIC, WorldBank, JICA, UNICEF, UNESCO, EU DGNEAR, BMZ, GIZ, Cambridge Education, GOPA Worldwide among others, with extensive networks and credibility among stakeholders. I have experience and strategic capabilities, supporting and coordinating with ministries of education and working in close collaboration with senior government representatives in the Middle East region to address education and cross-sectoral challenges.

Having worked for several years in protracted crisis (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Occupied Palestinian Territories), I have highlighted risk management strategies, contingency plans, and risk assessments to install confidence in our ability to deliver. I promote policy dialogue between ministries of education, INGOs and donors to identify key education priorities that promote system wide change and school improvement.
Most importantly, I ensure the integration of Conflict Sensitivity in education policy and applied it to Education in Emergency (EiE) programming. Besides, I ensure the humanitarian-development nexus and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to connect EiE responses with long-term development frameworks.