
Olu Ashiru Transport Specialist - Team Leader
Last update: 10 days ago
Nigeria, UK
Highest Degree:
29 years
Canada, India, New Zealand, Nigeria, UK
Associated Awards
Transport investment decisions (not) taken today will affect the quality of lives of residents of rural and urban communities as well as the competitiveness of local, regional, national and sub-regional economies for decades and potentially centuries to come. It is thus essential that the correct transport investment decisions are made today.
With over twenty-five years exposure across the international development, government, consultancy and research sectors to the world’s diverse transport challenges and significant experience in helping to develop innovative policies, strategies, schemes, tools and capacity to solve them, Olu provides advanced analytical, modelling, technical, project, team management and directorship services within the transport sector worldwide.
Olu has extensive experience across the full transport spectrum, including a deep understanding of the G20 principles for quality infrastructure in the transport sector, spanning from preparation to delivery including:
Transport Planning:
Policy Strategy & Master Plan Development; Sustainable Transport; Multi-Modal Integration; Feasibility Studies; Scheme Design; Options Appraisal; Project Prioritisation; Monitoring & Evaluation; and Transport Visioning.
Land Use Planning:
Urban Development; Development Planning; Transit Oriented Development; Active Travel Oriented Development; and Public Realm.
Urban Mobility:
Mobility Strategies & Plans; Mass Transit Planning; Bus Rapid Transit; Rail Rapid Transit; Light Rail Transit; Water Transit; and Railways.
Roads & Bridges:
Road Network Planning; Roads & Highways Development; Highway Engineering; Road & Bridge Maintenance & Construction; and Road Asset Management.
Active Transport / Non-Motorised Transport / Micro-Mobility:
EcoMobility; Shared Mobility; Design of Walk Wheel Cycle & Scoot Friendly Streets; Safe Streets; Healthy Streets; and Healthy Streets Assessments.
Airports; and Airport Surface Access.
Seaports; River Ports; Inland Container Depots; and Freight Terminals & Depots.
Rural Transport:
Rural Roads; Non-Motorised Transport; Active Transport; Demand Responsive Transport; Shared Transport; and Rural Development.
New Mobility:
E-Cycles; E-Scooters; Micro-Mobility Schemes; Shared Mobility; and Autonomous Buses, Vehicles & Pods.
Freight & Logistics:
Air; Road; Railway; Inland Waterway; Maritime; Automated Freight; Trade Facilitation; Logistics; and Modal Integration.
Transport Modelling:
Passenger Demand Modelling; Freight Demand Modelling; Demand & Revenue Forecasting; Accessibility Modelling; Activity Based Modelling; Agent Based Modelling; Micro-Simulation Modelling; Junction Modelling; Behavioural Modelling; Systems Dynamics Modelling; Discrete Choice Analysis; Stated Preference Modelling; and Travel Demand Surveys.
Transport Economics:
Financial Assessments; Economic Assessments; Business Case Preparation; Public Private Partnership Transaction Support; Project Financial Sustainability Analysis; and Identification of Investment Opportunities.
Cross Cutting:
Policy Regulatory & Institutional Reform; Climate Risk & Vulnerability Assessments; Environmental Social Impact Assessments; Equality Impact Assessments; Social Inclusion/Exclusion & Poverty Alleviation; Cross Sectoral Planning; Research & Innovation; Stakeholder Engagement & Consultation; Peer Review; and Capacity Building & Knowledge Transfer.
Project Governance:
Team Leading; Project Management; Resource Monitoring; Drafting Terms of Reference; Tender Preparation & Evaluation; and Consultancy & Consultant Supervision.
Olu has worked on a range of projects funded by multilateral and bilateral agencies including the ADB, AfDB, AFD, DFID, EIB, EU, FCDO, JICA, WB amongst others.
Olu has a demonstrable track record for innovation and capacity building within the transportation sector, for blue sky thinking and pioneering in a number of areas which have since become institutionalised within the industry worldwide.
Olu has throughout his career developed a series of innovative state of the art transport decision support tools to strengthen, accelerate and deepen advanced evidence based planning, including the development and management of a comprehensive suite of transport accessibility models encompassing all 253 of the world’s countries and territories, including the most comprehensive and advanced transport accessibility models available of the following geographies.
Transport Decision Support Tools
Transport accessibility models of all:
- 58 African countries and territories.
- 53 Asian countries and territories.
- 56 European countries and territories.
- 27 Oceanian countries and territories.
- 45 North American countries and territories.
- 14 South American countries and territories.
These transport decision support tools provide innovative support and insight to clients, colleagues, partners and stakeholders in the areas of: evidence based planning; project/policy prioritisation and programming; accelerated project/policy development; the preparation, development and review of transport projects and policies; policy and strategy formulation; regional development, integration and regeneration; strengthening of fragile regions; post conflict recovery and rehabilitation; integrated agriculture, infrastructure, rural, urban, industrial, service and economic planning; identification of transformative interventions with the greatest developmental impact across sectors; the identification of new business opportunities and priority areas of engagement; supporting and informing policy and project dialogue; identification of air, road, rail, urban transport, rural transport, inland waterway, maritime transport, ports, multi-modal, corridor, connectivity and logistical barriers/bottlenecks and associated innovative integrated policy and project solutions; assessment of passenger and vehicular travel demand; assessment of multi-modal freight flows and movements; development, management and maintenance of long distance strategic road and rail networks; assessment of toll, transit, and logistics revenues; market potential analyses; supporting greater private sector participation in the financing and delivery of viable transport projects and services; trade facilitation; assessment of the social and economic impacts of proposed transport interventions; assessment of transport related social inclusion/exclusion; assessment of the potential environmental impacts of transport policies, schemes and programmes; supporting transport policy, research, knowledge sharing, professional development, training and capacity development; the identification of opportunities for reducing extreme poverty; improving quality of lives of all citizens and the promotion of greater shared prosperity for all.

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