Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australia

National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants Program (Australia)

Last update: Sep 30, 2022 Last update: Sep 30, 2022


Contracting Authority: Australian Government
Contracting Authority Type:Government / Public Sector
Budget: AUD 4,200,000
Award ceiling: AUD 600,000
Award floor: AUD 400,000
Sector:Information & Communication Technology, Research
Eligible applicants:Unrestricted / Unspecified, Individuals
Eligible nationalities:AustraliaAustralia
Date posted: Sep 30, 2022

Attachments 0


Deadline Date: 07-Nov-2022 The Australian Research Council (ARC) on behalf of the Office of National Intelligence (ONI) is conducting a grant opportunity for the National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) program. NISDRG support
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