Call updates
26 September 2024
Information update about the call evaluation
Call opening date: 11/01/2024
Call deadline: 25/04/2024
Indicative budget:
·Topic 2 – Startup Europe: 12 500 000 €
Total budget requested in the evaluated proposals:
·Topic 2: 182 269 672.92 €
Number of admissible and eligible proposals:
·Topic 2: 105
Number of inadmissible proposals:
·Topic 2: 8
Number of ineligible proposals:
·Topic 2: 4
Number of successful proposals:
·Topic 2: 6
Total budget for the successful proposals:
·Topic 2: 10 801 338.00 €
Jun 5, 2024 5:46:37 PM
Call HORIZON-EIE-2024-CONNECT-01 has closed on 25 April 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time.
138 proposals have been submitted.
The breakdown per topic is:
HORIZON-EIE-2024-CONNECT-01-02: 117 proposals
Evaluation results are expected to be communicated in September 2024.
Jan 11, 2024 12:00:00 AM
The submission session is now available for: HORIZON-EIE-2024-CONNECT-01-02(HORIZON-CSA)
Startup Europe
Programme: Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)
Call: Interconnected Innovation Ecosystems (2024.1) (HORIZON-EIE-2024-CONNECT-01)
Type of action: HORIZON-CSA HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Type of MGA: HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based [HORIZON-AG]
Deadline model: single-stage
Planned opening date: 11 January 2024
Deadline date: 25 April 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
Project results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes:
Increasing the market footprint of European start-ups in strategic digital technologies and deep tech[1] innovation, notably Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Computing, Cybersecurity, Next Generation Internet, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Metaverse, Energy, Greentech, AgriTech, and Fintech;
Better connection of start-ups, including European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and European Innovation Council (EIC)-supported start-ups and Seal of Excellence holders, to relevant local and/or European ecosystems, communities, and potential new markets;
A scaling up of capabilities in matching technology solutions developed by highly innovative European Union (EU)-funded digital and deep tech start-ups with investment and growth opportunities in collaboration with other initiatives such as: the EIC, the EIT and the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), InvestEU, the Digital Europe Programme, Women TechEU, public and private buyers, or investors and corporate innovation ventures, and start-up villages[2].
In pursuit of the above outcomes the projects are expected to prioritise:
Start-ups that have either already achieved market-product fit or have raised at least a round of financing (seed or later); and
Start-ups established in ‘moderate’ or ‘emerging’ innovator countries and/or regions; or
Women-led start-ups[3].
Target group(s): Start-up ecosystem builders, business angel organisations, venture capital entities, accelerators, incubators, start-up associations, clusters.
This action will connect local digital and deep tech start-up ecosystems and support cross-border acceleration activities for start-ups that demonstrate traction (i.e. market-product fit or at least a seed round raised). Among the start-up ecosystems to be connected, specific attention will be given to the inclusion of ecosystems in ‘moderate’ or ‘emerging’ innovator countries and/or regions.
While cross-border acceleration activities are open to all European start-ups demonstrating traction, the action will also target scale-ups identified in Horizon Europe (e.g. though the EIC (including the EIC Scaleup 100 action) and EIT-supported companies) and the Digital Europe Programme (e.g. from European Digital Innovation Hubs), and the use of Innovation Radar intelligence[4] and other relevant data sets[5]. Targeting of start-ups funded by national programmes, particularly those part of “Plug-in” certified programmes (see EIC Work Programme 2022 Annex 5) should also be considered.
In terms of outreach and amplification, actions should be publicised where relevant in the EIC Community[6] and should actively engage with activities and events of the Europe Startup Nations Alliance[7]. Special attention will be given to support European digital and deep tech start-ups and scale-ups in accessing innovation procurement opportunities (public or corporate procurers).
The action may be implemented through financial support to third parties or directly by the consortium partners to allow start-ups to best benefit from the services described above. For consortia opting for the financial support to third parties scheme, the monitoring of the support to third parties provided for each action, as well as the management of the financial support to third parties, will be ensured by the coordinator.
The applicants should put in place proper communication and publicity of the actions engaged.
[1]Deep tech innovation aims to provide concrete solutions to our societal problems by finding its source in a deep interaction with the most recent scientific and technological advances and by seeking to produce a profound impact in the targeted application areas.
[2]More information under "Start-up villages: a commitment to a long-term vision for rural areas."
[3]Start-ups founded, or co-founded by women, holding a top management position (chief executive officer (CEO), chief technology officer (CTO), or chief scientific officer (CSO) or equivalent).
[4]The EU Innovation Radar Platform (Actions can also have Application Programming Interface (API) access to the Innovation Radar data sets).
[5]Including the work of the Joint Research Centre in the areas of innovative start-ups and scale-ups with high growth potential.
[6]More information under “The EIC Community.”
[7]More information under “New European Alliance to accelerate startups growth.”
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