Call updates
Jul 1, 2024 10:34:00 AM
Published: 30.11.2023
Deadline: 01.02.2024
Available budget:
ERASMUS-JMO-2024-OFET-LEARNING-EU - € 3,000,000.00
The results of the evaluation are as follows:
Number of proposals submitted (including proposals transferred from or to other calls): 129
Number of inadmissible proposals: 6
Number of ineligible proposals: 2
Number of above-threshold proposals: 94
Total budget requested for above-threshold proposals: € 2,919,250.
We recently informed the applicants about the evaluation results for their proposals.
For questions, please contact
Jan 18, 2024 4:02:59 PM
REMINDER concerning the budget Excel Sheet:
VERY IMPORTANT: Please do not use the templates from previous years! The template calculator has been updated with new lumpsums. Please only use the templates under section 5
Dec 21, 2023 3:58:22 PM
The Erasmus + Programme Committee members might be informed about the public schools, including limited personal data such as the name and email of the contact person, applying to this Action in their country in order to facilitate the validation process of their entities.
Nov 30, 2023 8:13:36 AM
The submission session is now available for: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-OFET-LEARNING-EU(ERASMUS-LS)
Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of Education and Training: Learning EU Initiatives
Programme: Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS)
Call: Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of Education and Training: Learning EU Initiatives (ERASMUS-JMO-2024-OFET-LEARNING-EU)
Type of action: ERASMUS-LS ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Type of MGA: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant [ERASMUS-AG-LS]
Deadline model: single-stage
Opening date: 30 November 2023
Deadline date: 01 February 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
Learning EU initiatives will support schools & Vocational education and training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, enabling them to provide specific content on EU based subjects (democracy, EU history, how the EU works, cultural diversity – among others). Activities should be taught during the school year and could include project weeks, study visits, and other immersive activities. Activities will be offered by schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4). They may design and deliver content on EU issues and create learning experiences themselves or with the support of higher education institutions or other relevant organisations (NGOs, Associations, etc.). Activities organised under this section will boost learning about the European Union in ways that inspire. They will help students to strengthen their sense of belonging to the EU, the impact it has on their lives and their understanding of EU mechanisms and policies.
Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives will foster the introduction of a European Union angle in the educational culture of schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) and contribute to strengthen European identity and active citizenship among students and teachers.
In particular, the main objectives are:
increased number of schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) teaching European Union issues by EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme;
increased number of classes in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) involved in learning experiences on European Union subjects;
increased number of key subject areas, or extra-curricular activities, where the EU is being taught in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) for each EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme;
increased number of teachers to engage with the improvement of EU literacy;
increased quality of EU innovative teaching and learning methods, with particular attention to the EU priorities;
improved learning results about the EU of students who are better equipped with knowledge and understanding of the EU, its history, values, objectives as well as the institutions, decision making processes which influence the daily lives of young Europeans and enhanced active citizenship among students and teachers.