03 December 2024
- Publication date: 5 February 2024
- Opening date: 5 March 2024
- Type of action: CERV-LS CERV Lump Sum Grants
- Single-stage
- Deadline: 6 June 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time
- Call budget: EUR 14.000.000
- Number of proposals submitted: 524
- Number of eligible proposals: 519
The results of the evaluation were communicated to the applicants via the Funding and Tenders Portal on 3/12/2024.
Summary of the results:
- 53 proposals are proposed for funding for the amount of EUR 13.958.147,00
- 15 proposals are placed on the reserve list for the amount of EUR 3.936.460,00
- Rejection of 261 proposals for lack of budget
- Rejection of 190 proposals due to insufficient relevance and/or quality proposals
- Rejection of 1 inadmissible proposal
- Rejection of 3 ineligible proposals
- 1 proposal has been withdrawn by the applicant organisation
Jun 10, 2024 5:01:48 PM
The call CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM closed on 6 June 2024 at 17:00 CET (Brussels time).
524 proposals have been submitted in the framework of this call.
The evaluation results are expected to be communicated in December 2024.
Mar 22, 2024 4:58:26 PM
The French and German translations of the CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM Call document are available on this webpage
Mar 8, 2024 9:15:04 AM
Type of grant: Call for proposals
General information
Programme: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)
Call: European Remembrance - 2024 (CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM)
Type of action: CERV-LS CERV Lump Sum Grants
Type of MGA: CERV Lump Sum Grant [CERV-AG-LS]
Status: Forthcoming
Deadline model: single-stage
Planned Opening Date: 05 March 2024
Deadline dates: 06 June 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)
Topic description
2. CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-HOLOCAUST - Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU
Europe’s 20th century was marked by horrific crimes such as the Holocaust and crimes committed by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. The legacy of these crimes requires continuous sharing and remembering as well as research to curb distortion. Education targeting all generations on the importance of safeguarding democracy and fundamental rights should draw on the lessons from these crimes.
Young people should be empowered to become ambassadors of this memory, to recall the story of survivors both offline and online, to raise awareness about their tragedy and connect with memorial sites and museums. The testimonies of the witnesses of these crimes are particularly valuable in educating young people, especially since there are fewer and fewer of these witnesses. This also implies countering distortion, denial and trivialisation of the historical facts. In upholding EU values, the memory of these crimes, teaching about fundamental rights and the active engagement of people to learn from them are necessary, particularly for actors in the frontline of defending rights such as fundamental right-defenders, civil servants, members of the judiciary, law enforcement officials and policymakers.
Moreover, suppressing fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, assembly, thought, conscience and religion is an integral characteristic of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. Organised opposition and/or resistance from within society played a key role in fighting foreign occupation and/or overthrowing totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. It remains crucial to remember and educate actors and groups about these events as examples to defend fundamental rights for today and the future.
Projects under this priority should focus on specific crimes such as the Holocaust, totalitarian crimes or other 20th century crimes like genocides, war crimes and crimes against humanity and should analyse how these crimes were organised, which actors were involved and how they were committed.
Projects under this priority are encouraged to find new ways of remembering and educating about these crimes to protect society against resurging threats of hatred, antisemitism, racism, xenophobia, antigypsyism and LGBTIQ-phobia.
Projects are encouraged to look for new teaching methods and modern forms of educating on historical events including the Holocaust. New and modern approaches should ensure inclusiveness and create an enabling learning environment for participants of all gender. In line with the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, as well as the other key policy initiatives this priority supports, projects can focus in this regard on developing networks of Young European Ambassadors to promote Holocaust remembrance. Young Europeans should learn how to access and share accurate information about the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, and should be empowered to act both online and in the physical world.
Projects can focus on countering Holocaust distortion, trivialization, and denial as well as digitalising historical material and testimonies of witnesses for education and training purposes. These projects are encouraged to work as well with young people, together with other generations, in order to transmit the memory of events.
Projects can also focus on reaching out to newcomers and migrants and teach about the history of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Additionally, projects under this priority can also analyse and highlight resistance and/or organised opposition to totalitarian rule.
Projects under this priority can also focus on promoting awareness and memory of the Roma Holocaust and reconciliation processes in society, to help reduce prejudice and antigypsyism as important causes of discrimination and contribute to achieving the EU Roma Strategic Framework’s objectives in the area of equality.
For further information about the call and its conditions, please see the Call document.
Reminder:Each project application must address only one of the call topics representing a specific call priority.
1. Eligible countries:
The eligible countries are described in the Call document in the part "6. Eligibility - Eligible participants (eligible countries)"
2. Eligibility and admissibility conditions:
The eligibility and admissibility conditions are described in the Call document in the parts "5. Admissibility and documents" and "6. Eligibility".
3. Proposal page limits and layout:
As described in the Call document, in the part "5. Admissibility and documents": "Proposals are limited to maximum 70 pages. Evaluators will not consider any additional pages."
For further information on limitations, please consult the standard proposal template Application Form (Part B).
4. Evaluation The evaluation and award procedure, the award criteria, the scoring, the thresholds and the evaluation process are described in the Call document in the parts "8. Evaluation and award procedure" and "9. Award criteria"
5. Indicative timetable for evaluation and grant agreement:
The indicative timetable for evaluation is are discribed in the Call document in the part "4. Timetable and deadlines". Publication of the call: 05/02/2024 Call opening: 05/03/2024 Deadline for submitting applications: 06/06/2024 17:00 (Brussels time) Evaluation period:June-October 2024 Information to applicants: December 2024 Signature of grant agreement: December 2024 - March 2025
6. Proposal templates, guidance and model grant agreements (MGA):
Standard proposal template (This is an example. The form to use is available in the Funding: Submission Service by clicking on Start Submission) Lump sum calculator (The form to use is available in the Funding: Submission Service by clicking on Start Submission. The European Remembrance call is a lump sum call. The lump sums are based on participation, number of countries and type of events [i.e. in-situ or online]. The use of the lump sum calculator is mandatory to calculate the budget. The total of the budget calculated with the lump sum calculator must correspond with the total of the budget in the part A of the proposal.) Call document CERV 2023-2024 Work Programme Mono/Multi-beneficiary Model Grant Agreement (Lump Sum Grants) DECISION authorising the use of lump sums for actions under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (2021-2027)
Start submission
The submission system is planned to be opened on the date stated on the topic header.
Get support
For help related to this call, please contact: or the CERV National Contact Point of your country (please see the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme website). Please indicate clearly the reference of the call and topic to which your question relates.
Funding & Tenders Portal FAQ– Submission of proposals.
IT Helpdesk– Contact the IT helpdesk for questions such as forgotten passwords, access rights and roles, technical aspects of submission of proposals, etc.
Online Manual –Step-by-step online guide through the Portal processes from proposal preparation and submission to reporting on your on-going project. Valid for all 2021-2027 programmes.