Horizon 2020 (2014 - 2020)

Innovative cooling system for embedded power electronics

Last update: Aug 27, 2020 Last update: Aug 27, 2020


Location:EU 27
EU 27
Contracting authority type:Development Institution
Award ceiling:N/A
Award floor:N/A
Sector:Electrical Engineering, Air & Aviation, Heating, Refrigeration
Eligible applicants:Unrestricted / Unspecified
Eligible citizenships:EU 27, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia ...
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EU 27, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine
Date posted: Jun 22, 2016

Attachments 1


Call updates:

06 September 2016 16:14

On 6th September the third release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published on this call web site. It is available in the "Additional Documents" section in all topics

17 August 2016 11:24

On 17th August the second release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published on this call web site. It is available in the "Additional Documents" section in all topics.

The budget tables in the submission system have been updated for Innovation Actions to reflect the correct EU reimbursement rate. Previously the reimbursement rate was incorrectly the same 100% for all organisation types while under the Innovation Actions the funding rate is actually 70% with the exception of non-profit legal entities, where a rate of 100% applies.

09 August 2016 10:38

The budget tables in the submission system have been updated for Innovation Actions to reflect the correct EU reimbursement rate. Previously the reimbursement rate was incorrectly the same 100% for all organisation types while under the Innovation Actions the funding rate is actually 70% with the exception of non-profit legal entities, where a rate of 100% applies.

02 August 2016 20:51

The submission session is now available for: JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-25(CS2-IA)

13 July 2016 11:07 The submission session is now available for: JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-25(CS2-IA)

11 July 2016 12:46 The submission session is now available for: JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-25(CS2-IA)

TOPIC : Innovative cooling system for embedded power electronics

Topic identifier: JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-25
Publication date: 21 June 2016

Types of action: CS2-IA Innovation action
Planned opening date:
21 June 2016
Deadline: 05 October 2016 17:00:00

Time Zone : (Brussels time)
  Horizon 2020
Call identifier: H2020-CS2-CFP04-2016-02
Topic Description
Specific Challenge: 

The next generation of power electronic module needs to be highly integrated to reduce the weight impact for the more electrical aircraft. If new technologies of power components such as SiC and GAN support higher temperature environment, these power components need to be cooled to maintain reliable operating temperatures. The challenge is to develop effective heat sinks that serve for extracting and transferring the dissipated power from the power semiconductors with removal of heat by means of air flow through the heat sink. For this application, the partner shall combine material with high thermal conductivity properties and optimized folded brazed fin heat sink solution. The evaluation of heat sink prototypes is expected as a stand-alone effort and also in a mechanical structure to represent a power management system integrating a few electronic modules equipped with the high efficiency heat sink technology.
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