European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Centres of Excellence

Last update: Nov 16, 2022 Last update: 16 Nov, 2022


Location:EU 27EU 27
Contracting Authority Type:Development Institution
Budget:EUR 2,000,000
Award ceiling:N/A
Award floor:N/A
Eligible applicants:NGOs / Nonprofit Organisations, Academic Institutions
Eligible nationalities:EU 27EU 27
Date posted:01 Jun, 2021

Attachments 30


Call Updates

Nov 24, 2021 3:38:28 PM


Published: 20/04/2021

Deadline: 02/06/2021

Available budget: EUR 10.000.000

The results of the evaluation are as follows:

Number of proposals submitted (including proposals transferred from or to other calls): 782


·        ERASMUS-JMO-2021-COE: 69

Number of inadmissible proposals: 1

Number of ineligible proposals: 4

Number of above-threshold proposals: 460


·        ERASMUS-JMO-2021-COE: 47

Total budget requested for above-threshold proposals: 20.116.886

We recently informed the applicants about the evaluation results for their proposals. 

Jun 9, 2021 4:11:33 PM

The ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH call has closed.

By the deadline, the number of submissions is 776. 

ERASMUS-JMO-2021-COE: 70 submissions.

May 31, 2021 2:33:36 PM

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Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Centres of Excellence


Programme: Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS)
Work programme part: ERASMUS-2021
Call: Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education Teaching and Research (ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH)
Work programme year: ERASMUS-2021
Type of action: ERASMUS-LS ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Type of MGA: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant [ERASMUS-AG-LS]
Deadline model: single-stage
Opening date: 20 April 2021
Deadline date: 02 June 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time

Topic description

The Jean Monnet Action in the field of Higher Education supports Teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
By EU studies it is meant the study of Europe in its entirety, with particular emphasis on the EU dimension, from an internal but also from a global perspective.
The scope of EU studies can be varied so long as the EU angle is explored.
EU studies should promote active European citizenship and values and deal with the role of the EU in a globalised world, enhancing awareness of the Union and facilitating future engagement as well as people-to-people dialogue.
The Jean Monnet Action also strive to function as a vector of public diplomacy towards third countries, promoting EU values and enhancing the visibility of what the European Union stands for and what it intends to achieve.
The objectives and criteria to apply for Teaching and research are described below.


The Jean Monnet “Teaching and Research” actions will:

promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide;  foster the dialogue between the academic world and society, including local and state level policy-makers, civil servants, civil society actors, representatives of the different levels of education and of the media;  generate knowledge and insights in support of EU policy-making and strengthen the role of the EU within Europe and in a globalised world;  reach out to a wider public and spread knowledge about the EU to the wider society (beyond academia and specialised audiences) bringing the EU closer to the public.
The action also strives to function as a vector for public diplomacy towards partner countries, promoting EU values and enhancing the visibility of what the European Union actually stands for and what it intends to achieve.

Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are focal points of competence and knowledge on European Union subjects. They should gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts aiming to at develop synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies (as described above) as well as at creating joint transnational activities, they also ensure openness to civil society. Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence have a major role in reaching out to students from faculties not normally dealing with European Union issues as well as to policy makers, civil servants, organised civil society and the general public at large.

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