Call updates
Jan 18, 2022 9:38:19 AM
Call update flash info
CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TT - Call for proposals Town Twinning
Number of proposals submitted: 119
Number of eligible proposals: 106
The results of the evaluation were communicated to the applicants via the Funding and Tenders Portal on 14 January 2022.
Summary of the results:
Jun 2, 2021 12:26:57 PM
The submission session is now available for: CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT(CERV-LS)
Programme: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)
Call: Call for proposals for town-twinning and networks of towns (CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TOWN)
Type of action: CERV-LS CERV Lump Sum Grants
Type of MGA: CERV Lump Sum Grant [CERV-AG-LS]
Deadline model: single-stage
Opening date: 20 May 2021
Deadline date: 26 August 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time
Topic description
Scope:This measure aims at supporting projects bringing together a wide range of partner towns in a town-twinning event around topics in line with the objectives of the Programme and taking into consideration the policy priorities.
By mobilising citizens at local and Union levels to debate on concrete issues from the European political agenda, this measure will seek to promote civic participation in the Union policy making process and develop opportunities for societal engagement and volunteering at Union level.
Twinning must be understood in largo sensu, thus referring to the municipalities which signed or are engaged to sign twinning agreements as well as to the municipalities having other forms of partnerships fostering their cooperation and cultural links.