Nonprofit organization

2022 Caress Dreams to Reality Fund in the US

Last update: Feb 11, 2022 Last update: Feb 11, 2022


Funding agency:
Contracting Authority: IFundWomen
Contracting Authority Type:Nonprofit Organisation
Award ceiling: USD 5,000
Award floor:N/A
Sector:Training, SME & Private Sector
Eligible applicants:Individuals
Eligible nationalities:USAUSA
Date posted: Feb 11, 2022

Attachments 0


Deadline Date: 04-Mar-2022 IFundWomen is pleased to launch a call for applications for the 2022 Caress Dreams to Reality Fund to diverse entrepreneurs. As the founding partner of IFundWomen of Color, Caress invested $1M to fund, support, and elevate women
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