We are recruiting experts for the forthcoming EU bid for "Technical Assistance for Business Environment and Competitiveness" in Sierra Leone.
The purpose of this service contract is to provide Technical Assistance (TA) for the coordination, implementation and monitoring of all activities and components under Business Environment and Competitiveness for Salone (BECS) Programme which has a budget of EUR 8.7 million. BECS aims to strengthen the competitiveness of local MSMEs, enhance effectiveness of National Quality System and improve business environment. The TA shall conduct institutional capacity building and support the implementation of relevant reforms and policies. The contractor shall report directly to the Delegation of the European Union to Sierra Leone and shall ensure that the implementing partners are using appropriate methods and tools to execute and track progress of the activities. The aim of this TA is also to create a pool of local and international experts who are going to be mobilised depending on the needs of national authorities and the final beneficiaries. The outcomes of this contract are as follows: National authorities and public entities are capacitated and are able to support Sierra Leonean MSMEs; Business Environment is improved through public private dialogue and subsequent policy reforms; and European Foreign Direct Investments in Sierra Leone are increased.