The Government of the Republic of Vanuatu (GoV), with the assistance of the World Bank, plans to South Santo road, which plays an important role for the island of Santo, linking its east to its west, while also serving transit traffic between its northwest via Tasiriki and Luganville.
Qualification Criteria:The Expert should have a Masters Degree in Environment Sciences or another related discipline from a recognized institution.
The Expert shall have expertise in carrying out environmental management, and environmental monitoring, for internationally funded development projects. Shall have proven experience in undertaking EIA, review & preparation of ESMPs, and monitoring of ESMPs during construction supervision, according to World Bank's E&S Guidelines.
Proven experience in the Pacific Region or similar regions with small Islands; Preference will given to candidates having previous experience of working in Vanuatu.
The Expert shall be familiar with the environmental laws of Vanuatu as well as the World Bank’s safeguard requirements.
The main role of the specialists is to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed river gravel extraction activities, undertake due diligence in assessing the proposed designs against the EMSP, prepare environmental additional for the bid documentation based on the requirements of the ESMP and the outcomes of the EIA and monitor that the guidelines are being followed during the construction period. To ensure that the DSC supervisory team monitors and supervises all physical works and ancillary activities to meet project safeguards requirements at all times. Requirements are set out in the supplementary specifications in particular the project ESMPs. To ensure the Contractor’s CESMP is fit for purpose and followed by the contractor. To advise and ensure the DSC team on safeguards requirements and take these into account when undertaking supervision works. To ensure all reporting responsibilities around safeguards performance are met Specific tasks of the specialists will include the following: