The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
GGGI supports stakeholders through complementary and integrated workstreams – Green Growth Planning and Implementation and Investment and Policy Solutions (IPS) – that deliver comprehensive products designed to assist in developing, financing, and mainstreaming green growth in overarching national policy frameworks, low-carbon development plans, and multi-level climate action.
GGGI’s Caribbean portfolio currently includes county programs in the Dominican Republic and Guyana as well a program supporting Eastern Caribbean States, managed out of the OECS Commission in St. Lucia. All of GGGI’s Caribbean programs provide embedded advisory support to member governments aimed at developing effective policies and strategic plans and mobilizing sustainable finance for implementation of priority plans and projects.
GGGI offers a comprehensive set of services from national to sectoral planning, strategy development, technical analysis, and assessment to project planning, design, identification of financing, targeted training, and implementation. The approach is both flexible and tailored to local needs. Part of GGGI’s approach is the development of Country Planning Frameworks (CPFs), to guide long-term collaboration between GGGI and its member countries as well as donors.
In early 2025, GGGI aims to develop CPFs for its programs in the Dominican Republic, Guyana and the Eastern Caribbean (OECS countries).
GGGI defines green growth as “a development approach that seeks to deliver economic growth that is both environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive.” GGGI’s Country Planning Frameworks (CPFs) are 5-year in-country delivery strategies that identify GGGI’s contributions to green growth, in alignment with member and partner country priorities. The CPF process entails an assessment of green growth challenges, opportunities and enabling conditions, the identification of GGGI’s in-country comparative advantage, and the elaboration of priority interventions. CPFs are formulated through a series of analytical exercises and stakeholder feedback sessions, incorporating input from internal GGGI staff, national stakeholders, and development partners. As such, CPFs represent an integral part of the program cycle, identifying opportunity areas for inclusive and impactful interventions that consider country-level social and economic development objectives, National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), resilience and adaptation plans, as well as GGGI expertise and donor priorities.
The Caribbean programs’ CPFs will inform the strategic direction of each country program and facilitate the development of the country business plans (CBPs), work program budgets (WPBs) and Project Idea Notes (PINs). As such, CPFs represent important tools and resources to ensure that country programs comprehensively address national gaps / priorities while informing an integrated regional, Caribbean approach.
Key purposes and objectives of the CPFs will be:
Strategic Alignment. The CPFs will continue to operationalize and implement GGGI's corporate Strategy 2030 and Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Strategy, while also providing important inputs for their updating. The CPFs are also required to integrate country and global solutions under GGGI's 5 programmatic and 3 non-programmatic Global Operational Priorities (GOPs).
Impactful Programs. A mid-term country strategy with a clear set of objectives and with government ownership improves GGGI’s ability to deliver quality, inclusive green growth support to our government partners. The CPF serves as a framework for all GGGI in-country projects that deliver measurable strategic attributed and contributed outcomes.
Government Ownership and Commitment. The CPF is designed to ensure that government’s national development priorities remain at the center of GGGI’s interventions. The development process for CPFs relies on both technical analysis and stakeholder consultation. The final endorsement of the CPF by the government demonstrates its political commitment and co-ownership, committing both parties to collaborate and support the joint implementation of the CPF.
Stronger Partnerships and Resource Mobilization. The CPF ensures continuity of results, articulates GGGI’s value proposition and demonstrates a clear and compelling impact pathway to GGGI’s partners, all of which is critical for resource mobilization. More practically, the outcomes identified in the CPF can be used to develop funding proposals and/or strengthen partnerships. The development of partnerships and alliances are crucial to accelerate the adoption of green growth and transformational impact at scale. During the CPF formulation GGGI maps out the relevant activities of development partners, avoiding duplication of effort, seeking synergies and identifying areas of work with strong resource mobilization potential.
Internal integration. In addition to government consultation, CPFs build on in-house discussion and joint analysis across the different divisions. The CPF process brings together country offices and a cross-section of experts in headquarters, regional and other country offices, to discuss and agree a common programmatic direction for the medium term. The CPF aligns closely with GGGI’s Strategy 2030 providing a ‘one GGGI’ country agenda.
Link to Key Global Agendas and GGGI Strategy 2030. GGGI’s mandate is to support the implementation of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement, and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda through green growth. GGGI’s Strategy 2030, which is fully aligned with the Paris Agreement and the UN SDGs, has identified key strategic priority areas via which GGGI can add value and deliver impacts. These agendas lie at the core of CPF analytical exercises, priority setting criteria, and results formulation.
The CPF Specialist will engage in the following:
Collect, store and review existing documents for each country program (3 in total): Key policy documents, situation analysis and scoping reports, stakeholder and donor mapping, relevant meeting notes with different government and non-government organizations, presentations, WPB 2025-26, and others. Track information materials reviewed (excel table) and create a digital repository of documents (populated folder structure), in consultation with the Caribbean regional team
In dialogue with GGGI’s staff - the GGGI teams in the Dominican Republic, Guyana and the Eastern Caribbean, relevant IPS division staff, and others, draft an inception report identifying and defining the opportunities and challenges to be addressed by the CPFs. Based on the identified value proposition of GGGI, identify key programmatic solutions, strategic and intermediary outcomes for GGGI over the next 5 years in these areas, and synthesize findings from the review and dialogues in three dedicated inceptions report chapters (1 per country program).
Carry out a round of consultations with key sectoral stakeholders (confirmed by the Caribbean Representative and the country teams) to confirm findings from the inception report are valid
Support the GGGI teams in the Caribbean to make relevant briefings and presentations to key Government counterparts and stakeholders to come to an agreement on the priority areas to be included in the CPF
Contribute to consultative validation workshops where the priority areas for GGGI to support and feature in the CPFs are presented and final comments are received from stakeholders
Prepare a 2-page Executive Summary for each CPF, outlining key programmatic solutions, strategic and intermediary outcomes and GGGI’s Impact Pathways framework for achieving the CPF outcomes
After feedback from GGGI teams, IPS Division thematic leads, the GGGI Management Team and others, on the Executive Summary, prepare first complete drafts based on the latest guidance and template which will be provided by GGGI. The CPFs will be a maximum of 12-pages excluding the cover pages, table of contents, government and Director-General endorsement page, and executive summary section. The CPFs should also include an Annex page a list of reading materials and the links to access them.
Prepare three Power Point Presentations based on the first draft of each CPF to be presented to the stakeholders. The Presentations should be maximum 10 slides.
Incorporate comments on the first drafts from relevant GGGI staff and Government officials into second drafts.
Support the Caribbean Representative in presenting the second drafts to Government counterparts in the Dominican Republic, Eastern Caribbean and Guyana and integrate their comments as well as any others from GGGI MT into revised final drafts ready for approval by the country Governments and the GGGI Director-General.
Reporting Requirements/Deliverables:
The Consultant will report to the GGGI Caribbean Representative and work closely with the Senior Caribbean Program Development and Portfolio Management Officer, both based in Saint Lucia.
Please see attached document for deliverables and payment schedule. > CLICK HERE FOR THE DOCUMENT
Advanced degree (at least Masters) in environmental or natural resources management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, international development or policy, economics, finance, or a related field.
At least 5 years’ experience relevant to the assignment, including policy and planning, stakeholder consultation and engagement and/or strategic consulting, preferably with background in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and/or the Caribbean.
Previous experience in the Caribbean would be an advantage.
Demonstrated experience in project design, theory of change articulation and log frame development.
Experience in climate change, climate finance and the sustainable development in SIDS would be an advantage.
Strong analytical, drafting and editing skills are a prerequisite.
Overall understanding of the concept of green growth and climate change vulnerability in the context of Caribbean SIDS.
Ability to work across time zones and coordinate with a global team.
Fluency in written and spoken English is required.
Fluency in written and spoken Spanish highly desirable.
Documents to be submitted (Online application)
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Cover letter
Writing Sample relevant to the assignment