The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
GGGI has a diverse portfolio of programs in developing countries around the world. These in-country programs, together with global products and services, focus on delivering results through an integrated approach of evidence-based green growth planning and implementation aligned to countries’ development priorities. The organization also focuses on knowledge development and management activities which build a strong theoretical and empirical basis for green growth, while providing concrete options and guidance for policymakers; as well as building the conditions for public and private green infrastructure investments.
GGGI is currently in the implementation phase of its project titled “Accelerating Renewable Energy Adoption Across OECS Countries,” which aims to support the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission in its implementation of the Sustainable Energy Framework and the Eastern Caribbean Solar Challenge by establishing coordination, planning, and monitoring structures for the initiative; providing public awareness support; assisting energy regulators and energy ministries in developing and improving frameworks for renewable energy integration; and providing direct support to electric utility customers in developing and financing rooftop solar PV facilities. With respect to assisting energy regulators, GGGI has committed to providing support to Dominica’s electricity sector regulator – the Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) with improving their policies and procedures for integration of renewable energy in the electricity network in Dominica. Specifically, support to the IRC will primarily include providing capacity building to the IRC on areas related to the addition of renewable energy capacity to the grid in Dominica and revising the Distributed Renewable Energy Policy.
The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is seeking to hire an experienced Energy Regulatory Consultant to prepare a distributed renewable energy generation (DREG) for Dominica, based on technical reports completed on Dominica’s distributed renewable energy systems regional case studies. The DREG framework forms part of GGGI’s project titled “Accelerating Renewable Energy Adoption Across OECS Countries,” which has a timeline of May 2023 to June 2025. The consultant will work closely with GGGI as well as the IRC in developing this framework to facilitate Dominica’s renewable energy goals and the objectives of the IRC. The consultant will work under the supervision of the Regional Energy Lead, the Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) and the GGGI Team.
Under the guidance of the Regional Energy Lead, in consultation with the IRC, the consultant will develop a framework for Dominica’s Distributed Renewable Energy Generation Policy, to connect a distributed generation system, utilizing renewable energy.
Scope of Work
In developing this framework, the selected consultant shall conduct the following activities:
Review the existing technical documents on the electricity sector in Dominica.
This includes:
Development of Distributed Rooftop Solar Energy
Sizing of the capacity of the distributed renewable energy systems on the Dominican grid
Any other documents provided by the IRC
Engage with the IRC to determine what their objectives are, with respect to facilitating the interconnection of distributed renewable energy generation facilities in Dominica.
Develop a framework for updating the DREG Policy to reflect regulatory best practice, Dominica’s energy policy objectives, with respect to the use renewable energy, and the objectives of the IRC relating to interconnection of distributed RE to Dominica’s electricity network.
Deliverable 1: Inception Report
Upon contract signing the consultant will arrange to have a kickoff meeting with representatives of the IRC and GGGI to discuss the requirements of the assignment and to request any documentation required. The consultant is then required to develop an inception report outlining the schedule and logistics for conducting the assignment, inclusive of a detailed work plan, within one (1) week of contract signing. Additionally, the inception report is to also include minutes of the kickoff meeting and a draft outline of the final framework document.
Deliverable 2: Draft Framework
The consultant will develop a Draft Framework presenting the initial Distributed Renewable Energy Generation (DREG) Framework. In the process of preparing the Draft Framework, the consultant is expected to conduct at least two (2) virtual consultation meetings with GGGI and the IRC, to discuss progress on the assignment. The Draft Framework will be submitted to the IRC and GGGI within three (3) weeks after the Inception Report. Minutes of consultation meetings held should also be submitted along with Draft Framework.
Deliverable 3: Final Framework
The consultant will prepare a final framework, in both tracked changes and clean versions, considering feedback received from the IRC and GGGI on the Draft Framework. This document will be in line with the scope of work requirements and will be submitted within five (5) weeks after the Draft Framework.
Deliverable 4: Presentation of Framework
The consultant shall prepare and deliver a PowerPoint presentation to the IRC and GGGI on recommendations presented in the Final Framework, within one (1) week after submitting the Final Framework document, highlighting the key aspects.
Suggested Methodology
Upon contract signing the consultant is expected to discuss the objectives of the assignment with the IRC and GGGI and acquire all necessary documentation required to conduct the assignment from the IRC/GGGI, during the kickoff meeting indicated above. The consultant is expected to have weekly interactions with the GGGI team and conduct at least two (2) consultation meetings with the IRC.
# |
1 |
Inception Report |
One (1) week after contract signing |
10% |
2 |
Draft Framework |
Four (4) weeks after contract signing |
20% |
3 |
Final Framework |
Nine (9) weeks after contract signing |
50% |
4 |
Presentation of Framework |
Ten (10) weeks after contract signing |
20% |
Prospective consultants should have a minimum of the following qualifications:
An advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in economics, engineering, energy or any discipline related to the assignment. Relevant professional experience may be considered to supplement an educational degree.
A minimum of eight (8) years, preferably ten (10) years of experience in the electricity sector policy development or regulation, with substantive experience in energy economics, utility services, policy and technical analysis and assessment.
Excellent report preparation, communications, and stakeholder engagement skills.
Candidates must demonstrate substantial experience in conducting assignments of a similar nature.
Previous experience with projects in developing countries, particularly in the Caribbean, will be an advantage.
Native English proficiency.
Please note the deadline date is Korean Standard Time (KST). Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered Application.
Please attach cover Letter, CV (resume), and writing sample in English.
A consortium, or a firm may not be engaged for the individual consultant assignment.