USTDA connects U.S. companies to natural gas opportunities in South Africa

USTDA connects U.S. companies to natural gas opportunities in South Africa

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency awarded a grant to the GreenCape Sector Development Agency for a feasibility study to assess the market demand, socio-economic impacts, and key risks of a proposed integrated liquefied natural gas (LNG) importation and gas-to-power project in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The study will also provide a preferred model for the importation of LNG for gas-to-power electricity generation capacity, as well as for industrial, transportation, commercial, and domestic uses.

“USTDA is pleased to support this project, which will help increase access to affordable, reliable energy in South Africa,” said Lida Fitts, USTDA’s Regional Director for Sub-Saharan Africa. “At the same time, this project will create opportunities for U.S. businesses in one of South Africa’s growing sectors.”

Mike Mulcahy, CEO of GreenCape, added, “Natural gas has a critical complementary role to renewable energy for power generation in a lowest cost, low carbon, energy future for South Africa. GreenCape is grateful to USTDA for their support in exploring and unlocking these opportunities.”

GreenCape is a not-for-profit company in South Africa established by the Western Cape Government’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT) to develop the green economy by identifying market opportunities in the energy sector, the waste sector, as well as the flow of resources in the regional economy.

GreenCape will competitively select a U.S. firm to complete the study. Businesses interested in submitting proposals for this USTDA-funded feasibility study should visit the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website at

Original source: USTDA
Published on 3 November 2017