Islamic Relief supports vulnerable families amid drought crisis in Kenya

By Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief supports vulnerable families amid drought crisis in Kenya

Kenya is suffering from a severe drought caused by low rainfall, which has left 2.1 million people in urgent need of aid. Many families do not know where their next meal is coming from and the situation is likely to deteriorate in the coming months as food stocks diminish. Islamic Relief is on the ground and supporting those affected with food packages, shelter, and hygiene items.

Many people in Kenya rely on agriculture as their main source of income. However, the drought has meant that farmers have been unable to grow crops and purchase fodder for their livestock, and they have lost their livelihoods as a result. To make matters worse, soaring food prices are pushing even basic food items beyond the reach of many.

Malnutrition has become rife as a result, and many people are in urgent need of medical aid.

It has also become increasingly more difficult to find water for household use. Around 70% of water pans across the country have dried up and water levels in wells have significantly decreased.

Islamic Relief’s support

Islamic Relief runs longer-term development projects in Kenya, empowering communities to create sustainable livelihoods, providing education support to children, and supporting the healthcare system.

IR now has plans to scale up our response to the drought crisis in Tana River, Kilifi, Wajir, Mandera, and Garissa counties. The plans include the rapid repair of water supply systems by drilling boreholes and creating water points, which will help meet the high demand for water in these areas.

Islamic Relief is already providing emergency food packages, shelter, and hygiene items to vulnerable families. The organization is now planning to scale up this essential aid, as well as to distribute cash vouchers to vulnerable families.

Islamic Relief will also distribute livestock feed supplements to help farmers strengthen the animals upon which their livelihoods depend.

In total, IR is aiming to support 24,000 people through their response. As the worsening drought crisis in Kenya leaves even more people in urgent need of aid.