Quadria Capital launches healthcare fund for India

Quadria Capital launches healthcare fund for India

Quadria Capital, a private equity firm based in Singapore, has said it will deploy an early-stage healthcare fund for the Indian market by the end of March 2018.

The venture capital fund, named HealthQuad, holds a total of US$12 million. The firm will invest in companies that specialise in various segments of the healthcare industry, including procurement and delivery services, life sciences, digital devices and medical technology services.

“We have currently invested in four companies and are looking to deploy across seven to eight companies through this fund,” Amit Varma, managing partner at Quadria Capital, told Development Finance.

Abrar Mir (left), and Dr Amit Varma (right), managing partners at Quadria Capital Managing Partner

Quadria’s main objective is to support Indian healthcare companies engaged in producing cutting-edge services and technologies that are changing the way healthcare is accessed and provided to patients in India. The firm said it is confident that the investee companies, whose business models typically complement niche areas of healthcare, can attract investment on a scale similar to already developed markets.

“These models, if harnessed effectively, will propel the existing, traditional healthcare models and create an environment of accessible, convenient and value-based responsible healthcare delivery services,” said Varma.

Joint partner at the firm, Abrar Mir, commented that the fund will seek to leave lasting social and economic impact by “making paradigmatic changes in healthcare productivity, affordability and accessibility, while improving patient health and fostering innovation”. 

Businesses in which Quadria is currently considering investment are subject to an assessment of their leadership, proof-of-concept, and potential to disrupt their industry. To date, Quadria Capital has invested in 18 companies across seven countries in the Asia-Pacific region and meanwhile manages more than US$1.5 billion in private capital.

Original source: DevFin
Published on 13 December 2017