GLF Bonn 2017

GLF Bonn 2017

Visit the event on 19 – 20 December 2017, Bonn, Germany

The Global Landscapes Forum the world’s largest science-led multi-sectoral platform for integrated land use, is moving to Bonn. We are very excited to make Bonn our home for the next five years, and will be hosting GLF Bonn 2017 on the 19th and 20th of December to define the next five years of the GLF and impact the future of our planet and our children.

This is not your typical conference. We are turning old approaches on their heads.

You’ll be front and center for the launch of the UN Environment Program’s Interfaith Rainforest Initiative, which seeks to unite the world’s major faith communities for the protection of tropical forests. You’ll participate in lively interactive sessions with the World Bank, World Resources Institute (WRI), the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Global Canopy Programme (GCP), PUR Projet, Rare, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), African Union, Rabobank, Indigenous Peoples Major Group and more. You’ll exchange ideas with thought-provoking keynote speakers and help us put communities and local realities at the center of the conversation.

Discover the compelling sessions and discussion forums hosted by the World Bank, FAO, WWF, the German government, and the African Union Commission, among others: consult the GLF agenda.

Download agenda for activities around GLF Bonn 2017 (print version)

How to register

Register here.

Save the date to register and attend the event.

Original source: GLF

Download the full list of major upcoming events in development sector scheduled in December 2017 here.