Non-profits play a key role in assisting people in need. Whether in cooperation with international aid agencies or independently, they work to bring change to areas where governments and private players have failed. Given the stiff competition for funding and the increased demand for accountability by donors, the international non-profit sector has been motivated to come up with new approaches that may improve their success. An impact-driven approach could be the right perspective.
DevelopmentAid, in collaboration with HVFC, invites fundraisers and non-profits to join an exciting webinar on 14 April 2022 to learn more about the essence and the prerequisites of impact-driven fundraising. Exclusive event speakers will share several important tips on how to focus on impact, build a solid effect proposition, and use this to raise funds.
What is an ‘intended impact’? It is a statement that outlines what an organization is trying to achieve and will hold itself accountable to. The impact statement often focuses on the social, economic, or environmental change that organizations are trying to introduce with their interventions.
HVFC states that donors want to hear about the changes that organizations plan to bring and how will they achieve these. This is an important prerequisite before deciding on the awardee. Even small foundations now to be sure that their investment will generate impact at the ground level. It is no longer sufficient to make claims about what is planned to be achieved, stakeholders are now expected to prove it.
Defining, measuring, and communicating the impact is a great opportunity to strengthen the institutional relationship with existing donors and mobilize potential future funding. One of the main deficiencies observed by HVFC in its work with non-profits is the lack of clarity and consistency between specific projects and organizational goals. Without articulation of what the organization is trying to achieve, measuring the impact of their projects will remain quite challenging. This, in turn, will almost certainly affect the number of awards the organization receives.
Once an organization can explain the impact it envisions creating, it can use the opportunity to ‘sell’ this proposition to potential donors. This is best done by applying a pro-active donor engagement approach where an entity starts by mapping potential donors, identifying the relevant stakeholders, and lobbying their proposals.
During the webinar, attendees will learn how to define, measure, and communicate impact. Our speakers will share some useful tips on how to use the impact-driven approach to improve fundraising and ultimately increase the chances of winning more awards.
Invitation to a Webinar
DevelopmentAid invites you to attend a thematic webinar on ‘Impact-driven fundraising’ that will take place on 14 April 2022 at 4 pm (Brussels) / 10 am (Washington DC).
HVFC is a consultancy organization that helps mission-driven entities to do good, better. Through their support, HVFC helps organizations to diversify their funding, power their programming and boost their capacity.
Maarten Mulder, Senior Consultant at HVFC;
For over a decade, Maarten has applied his skillset in both the NGO and public sectors –the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs being among these. He is also the driving force behind HVFC’s Impact Journey and Assessment. Maarten is known for his analytical, diplomatic, and constructive feedback skills that make him well-positioned to provide advice for any fundraising and/or impact-related challenge.
Han Valk, CEO & Senior Consultant at HVFC;
Han is a senior fundraising consultant with over 15 years of international not-for-profit senior management experience dedicated to supporting social purpose organizations by offering practical, tailor-made, and flexible solutions at all fundraising levels. He is focused on creating innovative and long-lasting relationships to boost not-for-profit activities in often difficult environments. Han has vast experience and a proven track record working with USAID, EU, the World Bank, IDB, DGIS, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and other major funders.
Elena Rata, External Relations & Events at DevelopmentAid.