Global Methane, Climate and Clean Air Forum 2022

By United Nations Environment Programme

Global Methane, Climate and Clean Air Forum 2022

πŸ“… 26 -30 September 2022
Washington, DC, United States

The Global Methane, Climate and Clean Air Forum is a joint event sponsored by the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) and the Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). It also serves as the CCAC’s Annual Meeting for 2022.

The Forum is a premier global event that brings together policymakers, industry leaders, technical experts, and researchers from around the world to discuss opportunities to protect the climate and improve air quality with a special focus on methane.

The 2022 Forum provides a unique opportunity for participants to access:

  • High-level plenary sessions on global efforts to reduce methane and other short-lived climate pollutants, including the benefits of fast action, national policy and planning, and financing for implementation
  • Updates on new international efforts underway, such as the Global Methane Pledge, the International Methane Emissions Observatory, the Global Methane Hub, and the Global Methane Energy Pathway
  • Technical sessions to go deeper on specific topics: biogas (agricultural sources, municipal solid waste, municipal wastewater systems), agriculture and food systems, coal mines, oil and gas systems, heavy duty vehicles and engines (HDVE), household energy (HHE), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), national planning to reduce methane and other short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), and science and cross-cutting themes
  • Opportunities for in-person networking with methane experts in the public and private sectors from around the world
  • Reception event to promote networking
  • Site visits to see methane mitigation projects in action (agriculture, wastewater, landfill, oil & gas)
