International Mother Earth Day – Why is it important to be aware of?

ByDaniil Filipenco

International Mother Earth Day – Why is it important to be aware of?

Mother Earth is begging for action. The environment is in distress. Oceans are becoming more acidic and being harmed more than ever before. Millions of people are being impacted by extreme heat-waves, wildfires, and flooding.

In these depressing and alarming circumstances, International Mother Earth Day, marked annually on April 22, serves as a helpful reminder of how crucial it is to safeguard our natural resources, lower our environmental impact, and maintain the delicate equilibrium of ecosystems – all achievable and doable for every one of us.

Where did International Mother Earth Day come from?

The UN declared April 22 to be International Mother Earth Day in 2009, after the alarming statistics recorded on paper resulted in actual extreme weather events and people’s deaths.

It all started in 1969 when Senator Nelson of the US became the first to propose the idea of establishing a holiday that would honor the environment and encourage conservation.

A broad understanding of the connection between humans, other living things, and the environment was first raised during the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm three years later in 1972. Following this, numerous environmental protection initiatives began around the globe.

Each year, various organizations and communities hold activities, training sessions, and campaigns that are centered on environmental sustainability. This day of the year offers humanity a chance to consider how we relate to the planet and what steps we can take to preserve it for future generations.

Earth Day is the world’s largest civic holiday, with over one billion individuals participating in events in 192 nations every year.

The major environmental challenges we face today

  • Nearly 400 million tons of plastic waste are produced annually and, by 2040, that amount is expected to double. By 2050, the total quantity of plastic in the oceans will exceed that of fish if we do nothing.

  • Each year, the world loses 4.7 million hectares of forests.
  • Over one million species are now on the verge of extinction as they are disappearing at a rate not seen in 10 million years. According to scientists, human actions that despoil the environment, harm wildlife, and accelerate global warming are to blame.
  • The World Health Organization estimates that air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths annually.
  • Based on data from the World Wildlife Fund’s latest report, observed populations of vertebrates, which include mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish, have suffered a terrible 69% decline since 1970.

How is sustainability promoted today?

Since the issue of climate change and pollution is not going to go away, people, communities, and various organizations are making numerous steps to tackle this.

To learn more about the non-profit organizations promoting sustainability, read about some selected for this article:

The Earth Day Network

The Earth Day Network operates all year long to combat climate change, stop plastic pollution, save threatened species, and expand, inform, and energize the global environmental movement. This non-profit organization collaborates with over 75,000 partners in almost 192 nations.

Rainforest Alliance

A non-governmental group, Rainforest Alliance has operations in over 70 nations in Asia, Africa, North and South America, and Europe. It collaborates with governments, companies, and rural communities to foster sustainable economic development via education and instruction.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

This conservation organization is active in over one hundred nations and has over 5 million supporters globally involved in over 3,000 conservation and environmental initiatives. Among other projects, it assists local communities to conserve natural resources and preserve and restore species and ecosystems.

What can commercial organizations do?

Sustainable packaging

Sustainable packaging refers to packaging that is made of materials that have a lesser ecological impact such as biofilm for instance (a bio-polymer derived from sugar cane as an environmentally friendly substitute for traditional polyethylene). RePack, a firm based in Finland, for example, produces reusable containers made of polypropylene that has been recycled.

Eco-friendly shipping

The solutions to lessen the effects of e-commerce shipping are continually expanding. For instance, the majority of carrier fleets now have electric vehicles.
According to DHL, global freight transportation is responsible for 11% of all carbon emissions. One approach to lessen the impact is to offer local pick-up locations where customers can pick up their orders rather than having items delivered to their doors. There are several such delivery hubs for Amazon for instance.

Giving clients a green checkout option encourages eco-friendly delivery methods. Although delivery could take a little longer, this satisfies the growing demand from customers for environmentally responsible procedures.

What can people do for the environment?

Here are just a few things people can do in their daily lives to help Mother Earth:

1. Reuse outdated technologies

A lot of people have an outdated phone or laptop lying around. It is important to consider recycling these, donating them to a charity, library or school, or repurposing them to create something new. Old gadgets can be recycled with the help of various shops and numerous useful directories rather than these being simply thrown away. Another issue to consider is the timing of a new phone acquisition: do you need this immediately, when your old phone is still working and the difference between the two is minor?

2. Use fewer resources

Make sure any dripping faucets are fixed and only turn these on when it is absolutely necessary.

In addition, it is important to keep an eye on energy usage. Utilizing less energy and doing this efficiently is becoming even more crucial as energy costs rise.

These actions can help:

  • Use LED lights
  • Use natural light when possible
  • Add a programmable thermostat to your home
  • Utilize energy-saving devices
  • Install windows that are energy-saving

3. Travel wisely

Use public transport, car sharing with friends or family, or choose to cycle or walk instead of driving for short distances to reduce your carbon footprint.

Final word

Mother Earth needs our help and April 22 is the day intended to remind us of how fragile our planet is and what we can do to protect it. This is relevant to both small and large organizations as well as ordinary people. Together, we can reduce the amount of garbage disposed of and energy used. It simply involves having a little more responsibility, knowledge, and awareness.