Eight organisations receive education funding from Norad

Eight organisations receive education funding from Norad

Norad has signed agreements with eight different civil society organisations working in the field of education in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali to the total of NOK 390 million. In total 48 organisations applied for support under round one of this call for proposal. Ten organisations were selected to provide full proposals for round two.

Norad made the final grant decision based on an overall assessment of the submitted proposals, a consideration of the proposals seen in relation with the criteria and priorities set in the call, as well as a consideration of the programmes/projects seen in relation to the other applications.

Norad signed agreements with eight different organisations to the total of over NOK 390,367,000. All agreements are for five years, with the exception of the agreement with the Norwegian Refugee Council, which is for three years.

ADRA Norway has received support for their work to Strengthen Equity, Access and Quality in Education (SEAQUE) in areas with large education challenges in Mali and Niger. Through a whole school approach, the programme includes work on school management, teacher training, infrastructure, learning materials and more. Norad has granted NOK 80 million over five years.

The Norwegian Refugee Council has received support for a programme to address the education needs of refugees and internally displaced persons in Mali in cooperation with the International Rescue Committee. The programme includes teacher training of school instruction, and social-emotional learning, vocational training programmes for youth, construction and rehabilitation of classrooms and other infrastructure, training in school management and more. Norad has granted NOK 60 million over three years.

Handicap International has received support for their work to build child-friendly and inclusive learning environments for marginalized girls and boys (including children and youth with disabilities) in Mali, Niger and in Burkina Faso. Some sub-regional interventions are included. The programme includes cooperation with governments on inclusive policies and practice, teacher training, as well as capacity building of school committees, parent associations, community workers and Disabled Peoples Organizations. In addition, the organization will provide support to local authorities. Norad has granted NOK 55,331,000 over five years.

Woord en Daad has received support for their Job Booster program, which provides technical and vocational training for youth in Burkina Faso. The support includes an element of results-based financing to technical and vocational institutions combined with technical support in order to create closer links with the labour market. Norad has granted NOK 60,670,000 over five years.

Strømme Foundation has received support for their speed school program in Mali, Burkina Faso and in Niger. The program provides out-of-school-children with a nine-month intervention in order to enable them to enroll in a local school to complete their primary education. Norad has granted NOK 43,258,000 over five years.

Right to Play Norway has received support to work with a whole school approach in targeted schools in Mali. The programme includes Continuum of Teacher Training (COTT) providing play-based methodology to pre-service and in-service training of teachers. Norad has granted NOK 35 million over five years.

GRET (Group de Recherche et d’Echanges Technologies) has received support to work with technical and vocational education for youth in Mali. The approach used is tutorial apprenticeships meant to provide students with practical experience. Norad has granted NOK 30,670,000 over five years.

Acting for Life has received support to work with technical and vocational education in four regions in Burkina Faso. The project includes reinforcement of TVET training institutions, as well support to marginalized youth. Norway has granted NOK 25,438,000 over five years.

Original source: Norad
Published on 26 January 2018