Five largest soybean-producing countries. An in-depth look

By Daniil Filipenco

Five largest soybean-producing countries. An in-depth look

Cultivated from Northern America to Southern Asia and with multiple uses in nutrition, fodder, and industrial processes while serving as income for thousands of farmers but causing deforestation and sometimes biodiversity losses, soybean is one of the most significant crops on the planet. With millions of hectares planted with this crop and thousands of farms engaged in production, processing and logistics, soybean-producing nations have a big impact on the world economy. Which are the Top 5 largest soybean-producing countries in the world?

Why soybean?

The soybean (Glycine max), also known as soya bean, is an annual legume grown for its edible seed. It is the major bean in terms of economic importance because it provides ingredients for numerous chemical products and vegetable protein for millions of human beings as well as cattle worldwide.

The cultivation of soybeans is frequently linked to large-scale agriculture which can have negative effects on the environment, including habitat degradation and deforestation. However, for small-scale farmers, soybeans can be an essential means of income and food security.

What is soybean used for?

Almost 77% of the soy grown worldwide is used to feed cattle that is bred for dairy and meat products. The remainder is used among vegetable oil producers and other industries, as well as biofuels Only 7% of soy is specifically used to make products for human consumption including tofu and soy milk.

Soybean is one of the richest and most affordable sources of protein. Researchers have found that its seed has a 18%-22% oil content and 38%-42% protein and it is, therefore, an ideal source of protein for people with diabetes as it contains no starch (polysaccharide).

Soybean and environmental issues

In some of the most important ecosystems around the globe, such as Brazil’s Amazon and the Cerrado (the planet’s largest biodiversity-rich savanna), soy growth is a significant direct contributor to the degradation of forests and conversion.

Source: ResearchGate

Statistics suggest that the expansion of soybean fields was responsible for 28.3% of all deforestation in the Cerrado in 2020 and whereas 46% of the Amazon’s native vegetation is legally protected, only 3% of the Cerrado’s enjoys the same protection.

Cerrado is the country’s biggest biome and one of Earth’s most biodiverse places. It covers 22% of Brazil’s territory and is home to about 6,000 species of trees. In recent years, land conversion rates have registered a drastic increase as a result of the expansion of soy and beef production.

Mighty Earth, a global advocacy organization that aims to save nature and ensure a safe climate, conducted a satellite-based and on-the-ground assessment, concentrating on farms that grew soy for the 2022 harvest. The study found that, for the most part, deforestation was reported to have occurred in the states of Mato Grosso, Maranhao, Tocantins, Piaui, and Bahia. The report claims that between September and December 2023, nearly 27,000 ha in the Cerrado and over 30,000 ha in the Amazon were cleared (deforested).

Even though deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon showed a decrease of 50% in 2023 the news is not so great for Cerrado where deforestation hit record-high levels, registering a 43% increase compared to 2022.

Some communities in Brazil (both local and indigenous) are exposed to harmful pesticides from airborne and ground spraying over soy crops close to their dwellings, schools, and workplaces. This leads to health issues such as increased heart rate, nausea, migraines, and dizziness.

Soybean production by country

South American nations contribute over 51% of the world’s soybean production while only five countries in the world generate more than 90% of the world’s soybeans. Which ones? Read on to find out.

Brazil, the United States of America, and Argentina are leading the world in soybean output and are expected to hold onto these positions in the near future.

According to USDA data from 2023, global production was 378 million metric tons (MMT) in the 2022/2023 season and is expected to increase by 4.9%, exceeding 396 MMT in the 2023/2024 season

Harvest losses can significantly affect the global supply of soybeans due to there being a geographic concentration of production in just a few areas. Moreover, soybean is extremely susceptible to hot and dry conditions throughout the reproductive phase of growth in the summer which can also affect production.

The global ranking of soy-bean production

Source: USDA

Which country produces the most soybeans?

Brazil has surpassed the United States in terms of soybean production during the past few years. The US, central Brazil, and southeast South America combined, generate over 80% of the globe’s soybeans supplies.

1. Brazil

In the 2022/2023 marketing year, Brazil produced 162 MMT of soybean which is more than the 154 MMT previously forecasted. This figure is a considerable increase compared to the 2021/2022 marketing year when the country’s soybean production was 130 MMT, and it managed to surpass the United States to become the number one soybean producer in the world. Experts predict, however, that in 2023/2024 soybean production will decrease to a figure of 154 MMT due to unsuitable weather conditions.

2. United States

In the 2022/2023 marketing year, the country produced just over 116 MMT of soybean. This is lower than the previous period when the production level was at 121.5 MMT, but higher than 2020/2021 when just over 114 MMT of soybean was produced. So far, forecasts show that production will continue to decrease due to considerable acreage cuts along with unfavorable weather conditions.

3. Argentina

Argentina’s capacity for corn and soybean production has rapidly declined due to the country’s hot and dry weather. In the 2022/2023 period, the production level was 25 MMT, a 38% decrease compared to the previous period. However, according to the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture, soybean production is expected to double in 2023/2024, reaching around 50 MMT.

4. China

The soybean production level for the 2022/2023 marketing year in this country was 20.2 MMT and is forecast to grow by a little over 0.5 MMT. This predicted figure is, however, much higher compared to the production in the 2021/2022 marketing year when China registered an output of 16.4 MMT of soybean. Even though China is among the top producers, it is also one of the nations that imports large volumes of soybeans to satisfy domestic demand.

5. India

FAS shows that India produced 11 MMT of soybeans in 2022/2023. According to forecasts, in this marketing year, production volumes will increase and exceed 12 MMT. Overall, during the last decade, the soybean production levels of this country have mostly shown a slow but constant increase.

Source: USDA

Final word

Due to numerous uses in food, livestock feed, and biofuels, soybeans have become a crucial crop for the global agricultural sector. The leading soybean-producing nations, such as Brazil, the United States, and Argentina, are essential in supplying the rising global demand for soybeans. The production of this vital crop will continue to be a key contributor to the agriculture sector. Sustainable farming methods will be crucial for long-term success because, as with any agricultural crop, productivity can be impacted by problems such as weather, pests, and diseases.