Increasing access to health services in Tigray

By United Nations Office for Project Services

Increasing access to health services in Tigray

UNOPS will expand and strengthen Kidane Mihret Catholic General Hospital, using €6 million in funding from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

The renovations to Kidane Mihret Catholic General Hospital will help improve access to essential, life-saving quality health services for more than 70,000 people, including internally displaced persons, returnees, host communities, elderly people, and people with disabilities.

“UNOPS will ensure that the project is built on the ethos of climate resilience and inclusive infrastructure,” said Worknesh Mekonnen, Director of the UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Ethiopia.

Although about 90 health facilities have restarted operations in Tigray since the beginning of 2023, there’s still limited access to health services in some areas – with women and children, in particular, continuing to suffer because of this.

The renovated hospital will be able to provide antenatal care for more than 7,000 women. It will also be able to provide essential healthcare services for more than 5,000 women giving birth in the hospital each year – one-third of whom are estimated to require a cesarean section.

In addition, the neonatal intensive care unit will be able to provide services for more than 600 children while the hospital will be able to treat more than 4,000 cases of severe acute malnutrition a year.

“This initiative shows the strong commitment of the Italian Government to support, strengthen and improve the health sector in Ethiopia. Through the enhancement of Kidane Mihret Catholic General Hospital, we want to contribute to the realization of a referral hospital for the entire area, to guarantee access to health to everyone,” said H.E. Agostino Palese, Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia.