Engaging with USAID - UK Partners Day

By British Expertise International

Engaging with USAID - UK Partners Day

๐Ÿ“… 23 October 2023 ๐Ÿ•™ 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (BST)
23 Grafton Street, W1S 4EY

Join us for BEIโ€™s Series of events engaging with USAID. We are delighted to be joined for a one-day event by 4 senior representatives from USAID as well as welcoming back Mike Shanley from Konektid International.

Our speakers will run 2 panel discussion in the morning followed by afternoon break-out sessions and 1-1 sessions which can be booked by members individually with each of the speakers.

The agenda for the day is:

9:00 โ€“ 9.30: Arrival and networking

Session 1: 10:00 โ€“ 11:30

Topic: Overview of USAIDโ€™s Localization Agenda

Speakers: Paul Burford (Deputy Director, Local, Faith and Transformative Partnerships Hub) & Arjun Tasker (New Partnerships Portfolio Manager), USAID

Topic: Connecting with USAID Overseas & Identifying Country Opportunities

Speakers: Erik Singer (Supervisory Contract and Agreement Officer, USAID)

Break: 11:30 โ€“ 11:50

Session 2: 11:50 โ€“ 12:50

Topic: USAID Subcontracting Best Practices

Speaker: Mike Shanley (CEO and Founder of Konektid International and AidKonekt Data)

Networking Lunch: 12:50 โ€“ 14:00

Session 3: Breakout rooms 14:00 โ€“ 15:00

Breakout rooms where participants can join small group moderated discussions with morning session speakers


  • Resources for Partnering with USAID: WorkwithUSAID.org & the Business Forecast (Matt Johnson and Erik Singer)
  • USAID business development โ€“ how to win and manage funding as a new partner (Mike Shanley, Arjun Tasker, Paul Burford)

Break: 15:00 โ€“ 15:20

Session 4: 1 to 1s 15:20 โ€“ 16:30

BEI will be able to provide 5 meeting spaces, which will allow 3 meetings of 20 minutes with each speaker โ€“ Please email max@britishexpertise.org to book your meeting.

Contact information

For further information, please contact:

The Events Team | Max Twyman
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7824 1920
Email: events@britishexpertise.org
